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    Tuesday, September 26th, 2006

    For those who’ve inquired, you can once again make donations to support Community Solutions online. (For those who haven’t inquired, your gifts are welcome too!) The Paypal donate function is back up and running. All donations are tax-deductible.

    Prayer Alert – Major Ministry Updates – 5/3/06

    Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

    [Note: This prayer alert is longer than most, as it contains major ministry updates. Next month, I’ll return to our usual format. Thank you.] May 3, 2006 Friends and Intercessors: When God told Abraham to uproot his family and go where He would lead, He conveniently neglected to provide a roadmap. Instead He pointed in [...]

    On the brink, Xcel lives to see its 10th Anniversary

    Monday, January 2nd, 2006

    One of the themes of 2005 at this blog was perserverance. Both personally and professionally, last year was the most difficult year of my life, but I wouldn’t change it for the world in that it allowed me to experience faith and hope in a way that I previously knew only intellectually. Below is a [...]

    Year-end, tax-deductible giving

    Saturday, December 31st, 2005

    Support New York City at-risk youth, here.

    Generation Xcel – Unconventional Christmas Appeal

    Thursday, December 15th, 2005

    Dearest Friends: In between bronchitis and deadlines I’ve been agonizing about crafting the perfect Christmas greeting. Then I realized the labor and hassel were another exercise in missing the point. Christmas is not about dressing up ever so neatly and presenting ourselves in a glowing light. As I wrote in a recent article: The Christmas [...]

    Another Miracle!

    Saturday, November 12th, 2005

    In September, Generation Xcel hit the bottom of the financial barrel and received an $8,000 miracle just in time to get things rolling for the after-school year. That well dried up on Friday. I just received an email promising another $8,000 miracle this week! Join the Thanksgiving fun by making a tax-deductible, holiday gift to [...]

    Speaking of the good million dollar athletes could do

    Monday, October 17th, 2005

    Imagine if the New York Yankees players, as a team, contributed 1% of their $210 million payroll to a common cause this year, which King George matched on behalf of the Empire. $4.2 million’s nothing to sneeze at. Now imagine, hypothetically speaking, that Generation Xcel, was that cause. We could operate approximately 56 Xcel After [...]

    Thank you for praying

    Thursday, October 6th, 2005

    Wow. The expressions of support and prayer in response to last week’s “We need a miracle” post, as well as some targeted emails, have been overwhelming (although uplifting might be a better descriptor). This post is a quick update to thank you all for the encouragement and prayers, and also share briefly some of the [...]

    Wanted: rich heiress socialite who knows everybody and gets invited to all the fancy parties …

    Wednesday, October 5th, 2005

    … (the kind who can get anybody on the phone within one or two phone calls) to adopt Generation Xcel as a “pet” cause and raise us a truckload of money. Does this sound cynical? Just trying to figure out why people who’ve never actually been in the hood or spent time working with the [...]

    We received a first miracle

    Monday, October 3rd, 2005

    The Mustard Seed Foundation stepped up to help fill our short-term cash flow issues by accelerating the final payment on their three-year grant to Generation Xcel last week. We received the check this morning, which gives us 6-8 weeks to breathe before the next miracle. Thank you, Brian, both for the check and the encouragement! [...]

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