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  • don imus

    Imus, Duke and a pornified culture

    Friday, April 20th, 2007

    Yes, they are innocent: innocent of rape, kidnapping, and sexual assault. Completely innocent of any crime. Undeserving of prosecution, injury, and innuendo. But they were not morally guiltless. After all, the team hired a stripper to perform for them; they (appeared to have) watched an act of live pornography. Unlike the innocent Rutgers women, the [...]

    Thoughts on Race, Rap, Duke, Imus, and Rev. Al

    Thursday, April 12th, 2007

    First, the disclaimers. 1. I am not an Imus fan. 2. His comments last week were racist, sexist, and typical of his show. 3. He should have been fired a long time ago. Next, the ironies (hypocrisies). 1. MSNBC fired Imus the same day last year’s rush-to-judgment, race-fueled charges against the Duke lacrosse players were [...]