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    What’s the strategy?

    Thursday, January 25th, 2007

    Concerts of Prayer wants more. Katie Sweeting sent the following question in response to the prayer summit. My response is an incomplete thought. … We need your help to fill in the blanks. Please offer insights and feedback in the comments section. You did an absolutely wonderful job with the prayer time. It was informative [...]

    The Christian Post reports on Mooks and Midriffs

    Thursday, January 25th, 2007

    CP: You talk about media being vital in reaching our youth today. It is important to speak their language to be able to reach them. Yet, among all the material that is found, for instance on the internet, how do you get them to look at Christian material rather than all the things they normally [...]

    Mooks, Midriffs, Myspace & More 2

    Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007

    Mooks, Midriffs, Myspace and More: Engaging a Plugged-in Generation Corporate profiteers produce and market media for a target youth audience they call mooks and midriffs — caricatures that exploit adolescent insecurities and hormones — a strategy described as “grabbing below the belt and reaching for their wallets.” The result: average teens now consume digital media [...]

    Wednesday, January 17th, 2007

    I’m a HUGE fan of WFAN, the nation’s first all-sports talk radio station. I remember discovering it in junior high school, back in its inaugural year of 1987. Uncle Torlief had picked up my cousin Steven and me from basketball practice, the Mets were in the playoffs, and Ray Knight was being interviewed — on [...]

    Baptists dont drink alcohol in front of each other

    Friday, January 5th, 2007

    Tallskinnykiwi Andrew Jones has an amusing post about Baptists and Booze. Reminds me of this: In my experience, unbelievers don’t get offended when Christians have a Bud. Fundamentalist Christians do. Unbelievers tend not to notice, and when they do, it’s because they are relieved that they’re not being judged.

    The Spirit of Hip Hop

    Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007

    What do CNN and MTV have in common (other than revolutionary cable pedigrees)? Both have reported on the “Spirit of Hip Hop,” a syndicated Gospel Hip Hop radio show based in Atlanta. + Finding My Religion: Hip Hop Gets the Spirit (MTV) “It’s a good thing that we’re trying to find morals and boundaries,” veteran [...]

    Another Reason to see Rocky Balboa

    Sunday, December 31st, 2006

    Besides the fact that it’s a great movie: Because when you write from the heart, out comes the spiritual message. You just know that you’re dealing with the human condition and quite often, even though you may not say the word Jesus in every line, you can feel it working through the characters, you can [...]

    One Punk under God, Week 2

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    If you missed last week’s premiere of Jay Bakker’s Sundance special, catch week 2 tonight. The first episode of One Punk Under God depicted a broken life in the process of restoration. The trailer for tonight promises more of the same. Related + Jay Bakker’s CNN Commentary: What the hell happened to Christianity? + Jay’s [...]

    Will Smith’s Pursuit of Happyness

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    The #1 movie last weekend is more than a movie to star Will Smith. “I was struck by the commitment that (Gardner) had to this idea of who he was, and what he wanted his life to be. … He gambled everything. He put his trust in God, and in the face of homelessness and [...]

    On Hoochie Mommas and Horndogs

    Wednesday, December 20th, 2006

    A new study finds that 95% of Americans born since the 1940s have had premarital sex. Is that surprising considering that Americans born since the 40s lived through the sexual revolution of the 60s and subsequent hyper-sexualized pop culture? Might there be a connection between a culture that celebrates uncommitted sexuality and people who enjoy [...]

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