« Previous Entries Next Entries »Kingdom Contradictions?
Monday, May 16th, 2005Is this what Jesus meant by the “kingdom of heaven”? “So successful are some evangelicals that they’re opening up branches like so many new Home Depots or Subways…. “For all their seemingly unstoppable success, evangelicals must contend with powerful forces in U.S. society. The ranks of Americans who express no religious preference have quadrupled since [...]
If there’s room at Hip-Hop’s table …
Thursday, May 12th, 2005for violinists and reggae can embrace a Hasidic Jew, why do some evangelicals still resent Gospel Hip-Hop?
The Gospel according to Neo
Wednesday, May 11th, 2005Church planter Matt Kruse started a blog last month. Yesterday’s post was so “postmodern”: “We preached Jesus from a movie with guns and helicopters smashing into buildings, but everyone trusted me enough and is thinking missionally enough to go with it.” His church, Edgeworth, is also launching an innovative, web-based outreach this weekend at a [...]
Random Thought of the Day
Monday, May 9th, 2005From my friend, Pastor/DJ Kenny Mitchell of Tribe Church: “Spirit and Sound: the connection of the vertical and horizontal, where our world and God’s world become intertwined. Sonic vibrations translated into Spiritual Power. “The ancient people of God knew of this connection. The horns were played before the battle, musicians were used to calm and [...]
Mama mia, Godfather II
Sunday, April 24th, 2005It had been so long I forgot most of the film. So I took advantage of an off Sunday (Diana and Judah joined Jo to drive Willie and Amber back to Massachusetts this morning) and watched Godfather II (after church, go figure) this afternoon. My feelings about this movie are almost exactly the opposite as [...]
Motorcycle Diaries
Sunday, April 24th, 2005I finally got around to watching Motorcyle Diaries this weekend, after anticipating it since last summer. On the whole, I was disappointed with the movie, as a movie, because of a pace that d-r-a-g-g-e-d at parts, and the inclusion of too many “roadtrip” cliches. But the point of the film I loved, even though Ernesto [...]
Someone has an agenda
Sunday, April 24th, 2005“Porn is just another form of entertainment now.” At least, that’s what the L.A. Times apparently would have you believe. Check out this sobering article Rudy references about S-E-X.
From our friends at the Coalition re. Billy Graham
Friday, April 22nd, 200562 days until the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade (June 24-26). 63 days until Get Real concert (June 25). … If 5 million young people in the tri-state area are truly going to have a credible opportunity to experience God’s anointing through Billy Graham, we need to spread the word. Please forward this email [...]
Let’s get viral
Tuesday, April 19th, 2005What do Hush Puppies shoes and declining crime in East New York have in common? More importantly, why should we care? According to Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point, they’re both “textbook examples of epidemics in action,” and epidemics are what make “the unexpected become expected, where radical change is more than a possibility …. [...]
Race baiter?
Friday, April 8th, 2005Check out Rudy’s reflections, and the comments that follow, on race relations at a Christian college. Looks like we’re still “Losing Races.”9 car 9 loan autoforce loans air consolidation debtt finance loans b a bpersonalaccounting loanspay loans day 24consolidation debt loans 401k forafter construction loansloan 15 year business term Map
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