« Previous Entries Next Entries »ONE Voice AGAINST Global Hunger and AIDS
Tuesday, June 14th, 2005Join evangelical leaders such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and John Stott, along with celebrities such as Bono, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz (who said evangelicals and Hollywood can’t mix?) in urging President Bush and ordinary Americans to increase support for the fight against global AIDS, starvation, and extreme poverty. Check out the [...]
The gospel according to “Missionary” Mike Tyson
Monday, June 13th, 2005“I want to develop my life into missionary (work). I’m not going to be a Jesus freak. But that’s what I’m going to give my life to. I love Jesus and I believe in Jesus, too  and I’m a Muslim. Listen, I got a imam, I got a rabbi, I got a priest, I [...]
Aliens in the world
Friday, June 10th, 2005Noel Castellanos has a great post about the church’s responsibilities in immigration reform. One would think that Christians, whom the Apostle Peter and the writer of Hebrews both refer to as “aliens in this world,” would be especially sensitive to the needs of immigrants in our country. Yet often the most strident “close-the-borders/send-them-home” activitists are [...]
Comics reach kids
Monday, June 6th, 2005Someday the church will understand.
You gotta love him
Wednesday, June 1st, 2005(Well, maybe you won’t, but …) Bono’s making waves for kind words about President Bush and — gasp! — Senator Jesse Helms. It takes courage for any celebrity, but especially one of the world’s biggest rock stars and its most outspoken activist, to speak kindly about archconservatives like W and Helms. But he manages to [...]
Wednesday, June 1st, 2005Any Freudian insights here? Normally I loathe David Bowie’s music, but the hook to his song “Under Pressure” has been pulsating in my mind for the last hour. So I looked up the lyrics and found these, which I never knew before: Insanity laughs under pressure we’re cracking Can’t we give ourselves one more chance? [...]
Am I Gay?
Wednesday, May 25th, 2005Last week, two friends of mine — one from California and one from the Bible Belt — mentioned that their respective 7 year old sons asked what it means to be gay. One framed the question as, “Am I gay?” Children that age should not have to stress sexuality — gay, straight or otherwise. Sex [...]
SEXY prom nights
Tuesday, May 24th, 2005Planned Parenthood style. Thanks to Nicole Baker of the Boro Pregnancy Counseling Center for sending me the link. [Offer] “prom survival kits” containing breath mints, confetti, condoms, and a $10 coupon for contraceptive services, because if there is even the remotest possibility that you are going to have sexual intercourse on prom night, then latex [...]
Tuesday, May 24th, 2005Two summers ago in California, I met a couple that helped inspire “What Would Jay-Z Do: Engaging the Culture.” They’re anonymous in the article, partly because their identity wasn’t the point and partly because I forgot their names. (I’m terrible with names. Nothing personal, please.) Since then I’ve tried to figure out who they were, [...]
Still a front page man
Monday, May 16th, 2005Today’s USA Today profiles Billy Graham in a cover story called, “The gospel of Billy Graham: Inclusion.” Some of the highlights, On S-E-X: “Before he asks God’s help, Graham says, he begins with praise and thanksgiving for God’s gifts: the beauties and bounty of nature, ‘even the pleasures of sex, within the boundaries of marriage,’ [...]
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