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    Pray for peace today in SoCal

    Thursday, May 5th, 2005

    Ordinarily I would be skeptical of things like this as internet hoaxes, but Rudy is a source I trust. Apparently, Los Angeles anticipates gang bloodshed today between Mexican and black youths. Please join Rudy in praying for: “Protection for anyone targeted, for people of violence to be removed, or the spirit of violence to be [...]

    Heroes among us

    Monday, March 14th, 2005

    Inspired by faith and a willingness to treat a mass murderer humanely, 26-year old Ashley Smith heroically survived capture by Atlanta courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols. Smith said she asked Nichols if she could read. She retrieved a Bible and a copy of “The Purpose-Driven Life.” She said he asked her to repeat a paragraph [...]

    Heroes among us

    Monday, March 14th, 2005

    Inspired by faith and a willingness to treat a mass murderer humanely, 26-year old Ashley Smith heroically survived capture by Atlanta courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols. Smith said she asked Nichols if she could read. She retrieved a Bible and a copy of “The Purpose-Driven Life.” She said he asked her to repeat a paragraph [...]

    Serial murder suspect retains leadership at Church

    Monday, March 14th, 2005

    This story is baffling. Charged with ten murders between 1974 and 1991, BTK (“Bind, Torture, Kill”) serial murder suspect Dennis Rader was finally identified after coming out of hiding to taunt local media and police in the last few months. Yet the pastor of Christ Lutheran Church, where Rader served as president of the Church [...]

    Pray for Abner and his team

    Thursday, February 10th, 2005

    Abner Ramos is an Intervarsity staff worker at East L.A. College. One of the students in his chapter, Julio, was killed this week in a hit-and-run accident. Abner is in the middle of the tragedy, as is Brad Arnold, and I pray wisdom and spiritual strength as they support Julio’s loved ones during a very [...]

    Murder made for prime time

    Wednesday, February 9th, 2005

    Last week I posted a note about the disproportionate news coverage generated by a murder in the Lower East Side. This week’s Village Voice chronicles the story behind the story of how a seemingly unexceptional murder became front page news around the country. Race is undeniably part of the duFresne story. The randomness and location [...]

    Things that make you go hmm

    Tuesday, February 1st, 2005

    A pretty, 20-something aspiring actress was shot and killed by a thuggish posse of muggers last week in our neighborhood. Her fiance cradled her in his lap as she breathed her last breath. This murder was indeed a tragic crime. People should be outraged. But from the resulting press coverage one would think it is [...]

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