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    (One of) My Life Verse(s)

    Friday, June 10th, 2005

    I’ve gotten reflective again this week. Perhaps it’s from the Celebration or Monday’s board meeting or orienting the interns to the ministry or the anticipation that the BG Crusade is nearing its end or all of the above. Who knows why exactly, but who really cares anyway? All the reflecting reminded me of one of [...]

    Aliens in the world

    Friday, June 10th, 2005

    Noel Castellanos has a great post about the church’s responsibilities in immigration reform. One would think that Christians, whom the Apostle Peter and the writer of Hebrews both refer to as “aliens in this world,” would be especially sensitive to the needs of immigrants in our country. Yet often the most strident “close-the-borders/send-them-home” activitists are [...]

    Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

    A friend of my wife’s used that phrase to describe herself recently. Yet she’s a self-made women with a successful business and ambitious vision for her future, a no-nonsense go-getter who creates opportunities for success. And she appears fearless. But beneath it all, she still perceives herself simply as a, “Daddy, love me,” girl. Now [...]

    This is why

    Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

    “I have heard many times, from students who share the distinction of coming from the ‘projects,’ that their deepest fear is to try to ‘finish college,’ ‘lead a ministry,’ etc. — and fail. As a certified project girl I would like to challenge that. I think the ‘project plight’ lies not in the fear of [...]

    Congrats, Cortes!

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

    One of Generation Xcel’s primary funders the past two years has been the federal Compassion Capital Fund via Nueva Esperanza, a financial intermediary run by Rev. Luis Cortes of Philadelphia. Today’s New York Times profiles Esperanza in “Hispanic Group Thrives on Faith and Federal Aid”: “Although a national study of the compassion fund is still [...]

    Heroes among us

    Monday, March 14th, 2005

    Inspired by faith and a willingness to treat a mass murderer humanely, 26-year old Ashley Smith heroically survived capture by Atlanta courthouse shooting suspect Brian Nichols. Smith said she asked Nichols if she could read. She retrieved a Bible and a copy of “The Purpose-Driven Life.” She said he asked her to repeat a paragraph [...]

    "Waiting for Medici vs. Fight Club"

    Friday, March 11th, 2005

    Check out Rudy’s thoughts on resourcefulness. I’m feelin’ this, mainly because it so aptly describes our story. Thirteen iner city kids ages 14-22 started Generation Xcel in 1996 with no money, no space, no equipment, and no paid staff. And no Medici (benefactor). Objectively, there was no way we could open a youth center in [...]

    Radioactivity in the city

    Monday, March 7th, 2005

    Chain Reaction is back in New York this week for the first of three week-long projects in the city in the next six months. Matt, Joe, and 45 college students on spring break from Wake Forest, Tennessee State, and Wheaton, plus half a dozen guests from Alabama, Baltimore, and Houston, are staying at Abounding Grace [...]

    29,000 died of hunger today

    Friday, February 25th, 2005

    That many die of hunger every 24 hours. To them we dedicated the Voice of Silence. Over two hundred inner city teens gathered at Primitive Christian Church to consider the pain of hunger as part of World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. Through spoken word, music, dance, and art, they identified with the hurting and vowed [...]

    VOICE (of silence)

    Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005

    Join Generation Xcel in raising awareness of global hunger and AIDS at the “Voice of Silence,” an interactive evening of music, spoken word, and artistry presented in partnership with World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine. Friday 2/25/05, 7 pm @ Primitive Christian Church 207-209 East Broadway (b/w Jefferson and Clinton Streets) F train to East Broadway Xpress [...]

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