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    The Heart of a Shepherd

    Saturday, September 10th, 2005

    Just before bedtime, Judah began to cry. Not a wimper and sniffle, but deep, profound sobbing from his gut. He began to shake and say that he was crying for the people “affected by the hurricane.” He had prayed for them just a few minutes before, prayed that God would give them “a new life, [...]

    More than

    Thursday, August 18th, 2005

    We’ve been counting down the days to August 16, five-year-old Samuel Carrasco’s last day of major chemo. It’s been over a year since his leukemia diagnosis last summer, and Judah has prayed for him nearly every day since we first got the news. On August 17th, Sam’s fatigued little body needed a blood transfusion. The [...]

    A measure of our leadership

    Sunday, August 14th, 2005

    Passion for God and compassion for people — it’s the oldest revolutionary idea known to man, timeless in its power and eternal in its impact. Pray it grips hearts anew this week, as Chain Reaction returns to New York City, starting Monday at 10 am when the teens arrive at Abounding Grace. If the measure [...]


    Tuesday, August 9th, 2005

    Matt and Katy Stevens are amazing. I’ve been a big fan for years, but never more so than this weekend. Despite suffering the worst kind of heartrending tragedy — the untimely loss of their son — never once did they express despair, rage, bitterness, or any of the other emotions one might expect. Grief, to [...]

    Two cents worth

    Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

    Consider:1. Dinner conversations between Simon the zealot and Matthew the tax collector. Zealots were 1st century, politically activist Jews who advocated the violent overthrow of Roman occupation and, on occassion, made political statements through the shedding of blood (think PLO or Islamic Jihad … old-school terrorists), while tax collectors were Jewish appeasers of Rome. As [...]

    A New Purpose for the original "Purpose-Driven Life"

    Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

    I’ve met Rick Warren several times in the past year, first at Billy Graham’s L.A. Crusade last November and again at the New York Crusade. Each time he’s come across as genuine, approachable, and generous. Thanks, DJ Chuang, for linking to the transcript of a recent forum Pastor Rick held with various mainstream media figures. [...]

    Judah, Philosopher King

    Friday, June 17th, 2005

    “Everybody is scared of something.”Judah, 4, responding to homeless Lonnie, appx. 50, when Lonnie said that he was scared (6/17/2005, corner of Bayard and Mott Streets in Chinatown).730 dip mp3 dipmp3 anthem 5nizzasahasranamam mp3 5vishnurick ross mp3 737courses loan processing accredited750 mp3 saint diablomp3 lagu 60an75d mp3 leo Map


    Friday, June 17th, 2005

    “I love evangelicals. You can get them to do anything. The challenge is, you’ve also got to soften their judgmental attitudes before they can be effective.”

    Judah, Meet Jesus

    Thursday, June 16th, 2005

    [The following true story occurred yesterday.]“Why didn’t we help him?” As Judah’s confused yet compassionate eyes gazed at mine, his words cut deep. We had just passed a panhandler in Chinatown on the way to introduce mom to Joe’s Shanghai’s soupy dumplings. I had taken Judah the night before, just the two of us, on [...]

    ONE Voice AGAINST Global Hunger and AIDS

    Tuesday, June 14th, 2005

    Join evangelical leaders such as Billy Graham, Rick Warren, and John Stott, along with celebrities such as Bono, Brad Pitt, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz (who said evangelicals and Hollywood can’t mix?) in urging President Bush and ordinary Americans to increase support for the fight against global AIDS, starvation, and extreme poverty. Check out the [...]

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