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    Why should I care so much … and other Christ-like Musings on MySpace

    Tuesday, July 25th, 2006

    Ed. note: Jeremy’s latest article, published in Tri-State Voice (Aug. 2006) “Are you listening to me? Really listening?” – Jesus (Matt. 11:15, The Message) Radioactive B! @H, Suckan*t Sl*t, Boyish Sex Machine, NaughtyXXXAsh – porn stars or teens on MySpace? “Why should I care so much for everyone else when no one gives a s!*# [...]

    Elder care?

    Monday, July 24th, 2006

    Urban ministry types have been wrestling with the disruptive effects of gentrification on our communities for years. Yet I’ve never really thought about its impact specifically on seniors and others with fixed incomes. The AARP offers this in their latest Bulletin: “When I found this place, I thought good luck was shining down on me,” [...]

    The Cry of a Generation

    Friday, July 21st, 2006

    My friend Doug Stringer sent the following story in his most recent newsletter. ____________________ “There are times when I feel like the title ‘father’ is the worst name God could have given Himself. What a stupid idea, when ‘father’ means rejection in my world.” It was late Sunday night and I had this message from [...]


    Monday, July 17th, 2006

    Saturday’s tenth annual Xcel 3-on-3 Hoops tournament. Pics here. Pics from the 2005 tournament.

    "Fathering" the fatherless

    Monday, June 12th, 2006

    From “Caleb’s Promise”: Frame the issue so it’s personal. Allow God to turn your heart toward a real child. Ask God for eyes to see and ears to hear the need in your local context. Take the initiative to reach out to the specific child, and his/her family, in creative ways. Hold onto the relationship [...]

    Join the fun

    Monday, December 5th, 2005

    Interesting comment thread started by Matt Kruse about the meaning of “church” in Matthew 16:13-19, and whether it extends to parachurch entities and individual callings. What do you think? posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 12/05/2005 10:19:00 PMin and 18 gambling up oklahomastollen credit aapilotsroyale after casinogambling for canada agescores 700 creditbureaus credit addressesgames shorter [...]

    The Community Guide to Helping America’s Youth

    Monday, October 31st, 2005

    Last week, First Lady Laura Bush convened the White House Conference on Helping America’s Youth at Howard University in Washington, DC. (Rudy Carrasco wrote about the conference here.) Among other things, the conference introduced a Web-based guide on youth development research and model programs. To learn more about the conference and the tool kit, visit [...]

    “Deadly” heroin kills 6 in LES

    Sunday, August 21st, 2005

    This seemed inappropriate to post last Tuesday when the story was “news,” but it’s important to mention because it means we have unfinished business. Despite gentrification, the LES still has a drug problem. A deadly batch of heroin may have killed six people over five days in downtown Manhattan – including two college coeds found [...]

    Two cents worth

    Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

    Consider:1. Dinner conversations between Simon the zealot and Matthew the tax collector. Zealots were 1st century, politically activist Jews who advocated the violent overthrow of Roman occupation and, on occassion, made political statements through the shedding of blood (think PLO or Islamic Jihad … old-school terrorists), while tax collectors were Jewish appeasers of Rome. As [...]

    A New Purpose for the original "Purpose-Driven Life"

    Tuesday, July 12th, 2005

    I’ve met Rick Warren several times in the past year, first at Billy Graham’s L.A. Crusade last November and again at the New York Crusade. Each time he’s come across as genuine, approachable, and generous. Thanks, DJ Chuang, for linking to the transcript of a recent forum Pastor Rick held with various mainstream media figures. [...]

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