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    Extreme Makeover Home Edition Meets Urban Promise

    Wednesday, August 1st, 2007

    The Carrasco Clan are East Siders this week, visiting Kafi’s family in Brooklyn. They invited me to join them for BBQ last night (Diana and Judah are returning from Massachusetts tonight), with Grandma Muslimah once again preparing quite a feast. Rudy made a day trip today to speak at Urban Promise in Camden, NJ … [...]

    Monday Morning MP3

    Monday, July 30th, 2007

    Adopt-a-School: An Idea whose Time has Come Jeremy Del Rio @ UYWI 2007 What would happen if… * Every public school in America were adopted by three neighborhood churches? * The 300,000 evangelical churches in America prayed every week for the nation’s 100,000 public schools? * Volunteers from those churches served the schools as hall [...]

    A dream come true

    Monday, July 23rd, 2007

    On Friday and Saturday, an entire neighborhood witnessed answered prayers with their own eyes as the guy who organized this as a tribute to old-school hip hop, coordinated this as a tribute to new school opportunity: Eleven years ago, thirteen young people ages 14-22 overcame the lack of money, space, equipment, and paid staff to [...]

    “Christian Slogans Suck”

    Wednesday, May 23rd, 2007

    … and other provocative insights from Peter Ong here. This made me think that part of the issue is our failure of community…how socially awkward we are when we discuss issues of brokenness. How we despair in isolation or even offer language or space to voice our despair. And So, church, what do you do [...]

    Monday Morning MP3

    Monday, May 7th, 2007

    Efrem Smith: A Place of Community UYWI 2005

    Monday Morning MP3

    Monday, April 23rd, 2007

    Vision for a New Day Living Hope Community Church 2006 theme 24 ringtone freeringtons sec 30ringtones and 100 wallpapers freefor free cingular 100 ringtonesmidi 24 ringtoneseries 24 ringtones tvringtones movie 300ringtones 3650 Map

    Money and Me, Me, Me

    Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

    It’s often said that money changes people. Now a team of experimental psychologists has found that just thinking of money changes people. With money on their minds, experimental subjects became more focused on themselves–in both good ways and bad. Report. HT: Bob Campbell, Guy Kawasaki60 late days account credit dateaccreditation online university boardprograms online certification [...]

    Bario Shalom

    Saturday, August 5th, 2006

    Peace + Love + Justice + Fiesta Latino churches have overnight found themselves surrounded by new middle-class ‘neighbors’ right in the barrio, while many of their members have been forced to move away from the communities where they have grown up all of their lives–because the can no longer afford to live there. The pastors [...]

    Fighting poverty in NYC

    Monday, July 31st, 2006

    The truth is, with all the gains we have made in recent years, one in five New Yorkers, or 1.7 million people, still lives in poverty. A closer look at the numbers reveals that poverty in New York disproportionately affects African-Americans and Latinos and is concentrated in several hard-pressed neighborhoods, primarily in The Bronx and [...]

    What Benedictines and YWAMers can teach us about spiritual formation

    Friday, July 28th, 2006

    Q: “So I return to my original question: What would happen to your life if you lived in close geographical community and relationship with other people; if you lived in submission to authority; if you practiced silence and simplicity and discipline; if you regularly read the Bible and prayed and meditated on what you read; [...]

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