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    “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”

    Monday, November 21st, 2005

    And other great reflections from CCDA, by: Rudy Carrasco, 1, 2, 3 — “There is race fatigue in this country. What is usually unspoken is that it now appears that African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans and others also have responsibility when it comes to racism, and no one is talking about this. ” Neil Cox 1, 2, [...]

    Another Manifold Mystery

    Thursday, May 26th, 2005

    “In the midst of [the] poorest neighborhoods and shantytowns, there are … trillions of dollars, all ready to be put to use if only the mystery of how assets are transformed into live capital can be unraveled.” – Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital (Basic Books, 2000), p. 37 Trillions of dollars are waiting [...]

    This is why

    Tuesday, May 17th, 2005

    “I have heard many times, from students who share the distinction of coming from the ‘projects,’ that their deepest fear is to try to ‘finish college,’ ‘lead a ministry,’ etc. — and fail. As a certified project girl I would like to challenge that. I think the ‘project plight’ lies not in the fear of [...]

    Congrats, Cortes!

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

    One of Generation Xcel’s primary funders the past two years has been the federal Compassion Capital Fund via Nueva Esperanza, a financial intermediary run by Rev. Luis Cortes of Philadelphia. Today’s New York Times profiles Esperanza in “Hispanic Group Thrives on Faith and Federal Aid”: “Although a national study of the compassion fund is still [...]

    Where’s the Faith in the Faith-Based Initiative?

    Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005

    Beliefnet is hosting an interesting discussion on the promise and disappointments of President Bush’s faith-based initiative. The article that started the controversy by ex-Bush aide David Kuo Responses: Marvin Olasky; White House Ron Sider: Bush’s real poverty scorecard

    “This is a nontraditional course.”

    Thursday, January 27th, 2005

    So begins the course description for the Urban Community Development class I’m teaching this semester at Alliance Theological Seminary. It continues: “Equal parts graduate seminar, academic laboratory, and clinical practicum, our overriding goal will be to understand and apply strategic leadership principles in a real-world, urban community development context. While exploring the evolution of community [...]

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