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    Reminds me of Lily of the Valley orphanage

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    The movie last night reminded me of my brother Jonathan’s trips to volunteer at Lilly of the Valley orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. Up to 100 kids live in the orphanage at any one time. They were not child soldiers, but many of their stories are equally gut wrenching and unjust. “The scars on the minds. [...]

    Catching up with the kids

    Monday, August 1st, 2005

    Willie and Amber have stayed with us an extra week and a half, making 18 days so far. With Nonna’s status still uncertain, we’re not sure how much longer they’ll be with us. I hope they stay a while longer. It’s great fun having them around, and Judah’s in his glory. One of the favorite [...]

    Perspective, part one

    Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

    (Judah and Sammy at the Bibleman altar call last week.) Last Thursday, Judah and I picked up his buddy Sammy for two days of boys-only fun. The first thing out of Sammy’s mouth was that a man shot his brother six times “over there,” and he pointed to the courtyard just outside his building. “See [...]

    Comics reach kids

    Monday, June 6th, 2005

    Someday the church will understand.

    Thursday, June 2nd, 2005

    A friend of my wife’s used that phrase to describe herself recently. Yet she’s a self-made women with a successful business and ambitious vision for her future, a no-nonsense go-getter who creates opportunities for success. And she appears fearless. But beneath it all, she still perceives herself simply as a, “Daddy, love me,” girl. Now [...]

    Am I Gay?

    Wednesday, May 25th, 2005

    Last week, two friends of mine — one from California and one from the Bible Belt — mentioned that their respective 7 year old sons asked what it means to be gay. One framed the question as, “Am I gay?” Children that age should not have to stress sexuality — gay, straight or otherwise. Sex [...]


    Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

    What a week. California was great (more on that later), but yesterday was a huge faith builder for my son and me. Because of my trip to CA, we nearly missed the Carrasco visit to New York this weekend, but they extended their stay an extra two days so Judah was able to meet Samuel [...]

    Biopsy today

    Wednesday, April 6th, 2005

    Please pray for 4-year old Samuel C. Originally diagnosed with leukemia in July, it went into remission in August. Now, after several weeks of poor blood levels, he’s going in for another biopsy today.

    My Boy’s a Prayer Warrior

    Tuesday, March 29th, 2005

    Judah has been praying for Rudy’s 4 year old son Samuel almost daily ever since his Leukemia diagnosis last summer. Last week, he and I were looking at pictures of Sam online when I remembered that Liz Rios has pictures of her special needs son DJ online as well. We visited her blog and discovered [...]

    29,000 died of hunger today

    Friday, February 25th, 2005

    That many die of hunger every 24 hours. To them we dedicated the Voice of Silence. Over two hundred inner city teens gathered at Primitive Christian Church to consider the pain of hunger as part of World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine. Through spoken word, music, dance, and art, they identified with the hurting and vowed [...]

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