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    See you there

    Monday, June 26th, 2006

    UPCOMING SPEAKING DATES June 28-30: Student Venture Elevate Summer Conference (Delaware Water Gap, PA) July 8: Teen Revolution Youth Festival (Ridgefield Park, NJ) July 13: WMCA 570/970, Greater New York Youth Leaders BBQ (West Orange, NJ) July 18-19: Chain Reaction New England (Lowell, MA)   [Me "at work." Illustration by Judah in Kindergarten.]

    Happy Father’s Day, Matt and Dad and Fathers Everywhere

    Monday, June 12th, 2006

    “Matt Stevens and Rick Del Rio are heroes, both for how they live their own lives and for how they raise/d their sons. But what about the 24 million children in the United States who live with absent fathers, or the 20 million living in single-parent homes? They are our neighbors, attend school with our [...]

    Thanks to Matt, Katy, and all who participated

    Monday, October 31st, 2005

    … in the Chain Reaction Summit. Tony offers a good summary of the Summit here. It was the first opportunity for the leaders of the various CR cities to gather since this summer’s accident, and provided an opportunity for reflection and refreshing as they shared testimonies and context for the good that occurred despite the [...]

    Travel schedule heats up

    Tuesday, October 25th, 2005

    Thursday, I drive to Baltimore to connect with Matt Stevens, then Friday we’re off to York, PA, for the Chain Reaction Summit. Next Wednesday morning, I fly back to Cali for the second time this year. Wednesday night, Brian Meza and Bono and I hang out with 20,000 U2 fans at Staples Center. Thursday, we’ll [...]

    The latest from the Kat-Rita front lines

    Thursday, October 6th, 2005

    “The locals throughout the region have relentlessly spent themselves serving and reaching the people throughout the Gulf Coast for 5 weeks. Who will come to their aid as they rebuild their communities?” So asks Matt Stevens, here. If you’re interested in volunteering or organizing a group to volunteer in the region, email Matt at chainreaction2005 [...]

    Community Solutions Responds to Katrina

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    September 11 was a defining moment for me personally in life and ministry. The lessons we learned continue to inform who we are and how we serve others. (Download mp3 of “Place of Hope” message at Urban Youth Workers Institute for recent reflections on 9/11; 4.2 mb). So when Doug Stringer called Community Solutions (the [...]

    Caleb Stevens sparked a Chain Reaction

    Saturday, August 27th, 2005

    From the Marion Star newspaper (Ohio), 8/26/05: “Caleb of the Bible gave his life entirely and completely to God. … It wasn’t until he was 85 years old that he finally received his inheritance of land and was rewarded for remaining true to God’s command and promise. Caleb Stevens received his inheritance in heaven in [...]

    Above and beyond

    Tuesday, August 23rd, 2005

    Ramon went above and beyond the call of duty last week, not only assisting with Chain Reaction, but leaving behind a piece of himself in a mural he painted for Generation Xcel. Thanks again for who you are, how you serve, and sharing your life with us!

    Thanks, Ramon and Abby

    Tuesday, August 16th, 2005

    Two more heros in my book (for whatever that’s worth) are Ramon and Abby Trevino. They’re youth pastors in York, PA, who’ve been involved with Chain Reaction there the last two years. They planned to come to New York this year and arrived as promised Sunday night ready to flex following Caleb’s tragedy (and the [...]

    A measure of our leadership

    Sunday, August 14th, 2005

    Passion for God and compassion for people — it’s the oldest revolutionary idea known to man, timeless in its power and eternal in its impact. Pray it grips hearts anew this week, as Chain Reaction returns to New York City, starting Monday at 10 am when the teens arrive at Abounding Grace. If the measure [...]

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