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    Germanic Mullet Boy – Hip Hop Superstar

    Friday, February 9th, 2007

    Leave it to the Christian music industry to rely on a blond hair, blue eyed white boy from Hudson, Ohio to make hip hop palatable. But so it was, back in the early 1990s, when my partner Matt Stevens was a signature member of Gospel hip hop pioneer DOC (Disciples of Christ). Throw a brother [...]

    Gaining Vision For Your Marriage

    Thursday, January 4th, 2007

    Join Rob & Ann Stoppard and Matt & Katy Stevens on Friday, Feb. 16th – Sunday, Feb. 18th Gaining Vision For Your Marriage A life-giving marriage is essential to your success! What is the vision for your marriage? What does it take to sustain and nurture vision for a healthy marriage? Space is limited, so [...]

    The Giving Game

    Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

    Play the Giving Game for Christmas. What if someone did you a favor and instead of paying it back, you paid it forward to three people… And the next day they each paid it forward to three more… And the day after that those 27 people paid it forward to another three… And each day, [...]

    Tuesday, November 28th, 2006

    I need a fix for my periodic bouts with writer’s bloc from these guys (video here). Props to Ramon Trevino and York’s Chain Reaction posse! Luv you guys. Ramon (c), with my father and one of his students, in front of a mural he did for Generation Xcel in New York. Check his website and [...]

    Random Acts of Kindness – Unmasked

    Sunday, November 19th, 2006

    Paging Matt Stevens. There’s something to this random acts of kindness thing. After giving away $1.3 million in Christmas cash over the last 26 years, the man known as Secret Santa plans to give away $100,000 in what doctors are saying will be his final holiday season. But the reason for the revelation is an [...]

    Howdy from Texas

    Tuesday, August 15th, 2006

    Here in Houston blogging from Doug Stringer’s office, discussing partnership possibilities between Somebody Cares and Chain Reaction.


    Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006

    My friend and ministry partner sent the following email this morning. Saturday marks the one year anniversary since his son Caleb Stevens died tragically in a car accident during Chain Reaction. Please keep Matt and Katy and their boys Joshua, Micah, and Jacob in your prayers this weekend. ______________________ This Saturday will mark one year [...]

    Apropos of nothing in particular

    Monday, July 24th, 2006

    So Chain Reaction was in Massachusetts last week, and I went up to spend a few days with Matt and the family. Tuesday afternoon, Matt’s wife Katy and another woman and I were on a drive-by scoping out the small groups doing random acts of kindness. We pulled into the parking lot of the first [...]

    So the Mideast is erupting

    Monday, July 24th, 2006

    … and nearly two weeks later I still haven’t commented. Oy Vey. Someone’s slacking in his blogging. Elsewhere in the news: + Time explores the safety of MySpace. + Newsweek calls Rick Warren one of 15 people who make America great. + Tiger won his 11th Major. + A-Rod is getting shafted by Yankee fans. [...]

    Heading to Mass

    Monday, July 17th, 2006

    Today, in about an hour. Driving Will and Amber home; speaking Tuesday and Wednesday night at Chain Reaction; and meetings at Techmission most of the day Wednesday. Trying to connect with Matt and my friends at Edgeworth as well. Hopefully I’ll be able to post a few from the road. P.S. Matt Kruse started blogging [...]

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