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    They were young and inexperienced, and they changed the world

    Monday, August 1st, 2005

    I’m finally reading 1776, after several false starts the last two months, and am up to page 90 or so. One common theme has emerged time and again in the book, besides the obvious George Washington heroics (he of the “conspicuous courage under fire and a marked ability for leadership.”) Washington’s success as a general, [...]

    Dedicated to my bride

    Thursday, July 14th, 2005

    (June 21, 1997)”Scripture ends in a marriage. This is the end to which all Things tend, the end which makes all Things new. Marriage unites, but In its fire, true love does not Consume. Selfishness burns. All That mars love ignites, makes ash. But faith, hope, love survive. Love Is the last, best word, the [...]


    Tuesday, July 5th, 2005

    The Story We Find Ourselves in, today over lunch. It’s the second of three books in Brian McLaren’s ANKOC series. Wow. Refreshing. Stimulating. Provocative. Not sure I agree with all of it, but that’s partly the point. I don’t have to any more than Brian has to agree with me on every detail (as if) [...]

    Comics reach kids

    Monday, June 6th, 2005

    Someday the church will understand.

    Another Manifold Mystery

    Thursday, May 26th, 2005

    “In the midst of [the] poorest neighborhoods and shantytowns, there are … trillions of dollars, all ready to be put to use if only the mystery of how assets are transformed into live capital can be unraveled.” – Hernando de Soto, The Mystery of Capital (Basic Books, 2000), p. 37 Trillions of dollars are waiting [...]

    Hip Hop prophets

    Thursday, May 12th, 2005

    From Jesus and the Hip Hop Prophets, by John Teter and Alex Gee (IVP, 2003): “The biographies of Jesus … include a story about three astrologers…. They were the first ones to figure out what God was up to, beacuse God wanted them on the inside. God could have communicated with them any way…. But [...]

    Response to MK re. ANKOC

    Wednesday, May 11th, 2005

    Note to anyone not named Matt Kruse or Bob Campbell: Feel free to eavesdrop on our conversation about Brian McLaren’s A New Kind of Christian and comment. MK: J, here’s my initial salvo on the book. [Caveats.] Me: You said a mouthful for an initial salvo. Can’t wait for the sequel. MK: What I liked: [...]


    Tuesday, May 10th, 2005

    The Chronicles of Narnia, coming December 9th to a theater near you. Along with Pilgrim’s Progress and the Danny Orlis adventure series, the C.S. Lewis Narnia classics were favorites that I read over and over again as a boy, and I would arrange my GI Joe action figures to recreate battle scenes from the books. [...]

    McLaren on being "Born Again"

    Wednesday, May 4th, 2005

    I’ve thought long and hard about the best way to blog about ANKOC, beyond the random comments for several weeks now, and I think letting McLaren speak for himself is a good place to start. So I’m going to begin with one of his softball (sarcasm alert) notions that I have to believe riled a [...]

    The manifold wisdom of God

    Tuesday, May 3rd, 2005

    “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known … according to his eternal purpose …” (Ephesians 3:10-11) What a colorful concept, the “manifold” wisdom of God. I always imagined a sheet of paper folded many times into a tiny fraction of its former size, getting unfolded [...]

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