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    Troubleshooting continues

    Sunday, July 9th, 2006

    After hours experimenting with template settings and html code, I finally squashed two bugs off my website. Three remain (#s 3-5 on this list). Show some love with possible antidotes to the rest.

    WordPress Troubleshooting

    Friday, July 7th, 2006

    To all my non-blogging friends, please bear with me as I’m still learning the nuances of a new blogging software. To all my Wordpress expert friends, please help. I’m having several technical problems with this blog. 1. Why does WP arbitrarily change the format of some blogposts? For example, this post appears as I created [...]

    Three cheers for Blogger

    Wednesday, June 28th, 2006

    Music to my ears, emailed from “The Blogger Team”: Thanks for writing us regarding this Terms of Service violation. We have examined it and taken the necessary action. Please note that your old URL is now available so you should take it as soon as possible to avoid this problem occurring again. Yes, Blogger got [...]

    How my blog got hijacked

    Tuesday, June 27th, 2006

    Apparently inquiring minds want to know. So here’s the low-down, from an IM exchange earlier today with Tony. tony: how did your blog get jacked? me: blah fooey argh i’ve been battling to get wordpress’ import tool to work. reloaded it several times. all kinds of stuff. bottom line, it won’t work for me tony: [...]

    Receive updates in your email

    Monday, June 26th, 2006

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    Someone stole my other blog!

    Saturday, June 24th, 2006

    Seriously. This week I was trying to fix the problems importing 1,100+ posts from my Blogspot account to this one and somehow I left the domain vulnerable to a spammer who snatched it. Immediately. We’re talking three or four hours max. I’m trying to get Blogger to give me the domain back. We’ll see what [...]

    Working on a new blog

    Friday, June 23rd, 2006

    Welcome to www.JeremyDelRio.com, the new home of “Away with Words: In Pursuit of Authenticity.”  As of July 5, this will become the official website of Jeremy Del Rio. In the meantime, everything you read/see/experience here is in draft form and subject to change. While you’re here, stay awhile and leave a comment or two (or [...]

    WordPress help needed

    Friday, June 2nd, 2006

    Why does the Wordpress import tool only import one Blogger post at a time?

    May 2006 Archive

    Wednesday, May 31st, 2006

    Wednesday, May 31, 2006 Tommorrowland This week’s issue of New York magazine projects a radically changed New York cityscape in 2016, as city planners, architects, and developers envision population growth of 1 million in the next decade. Based on projects already in development, as well as proposed, it’s a fascinating read. posted by Jeremy Del [...]

    Live blogging from UYWI

    Saturday, May 20th, 2006

    “Have You Seen Your Kids’ MySpace?” DESCRIPTION: Radioactive B!+@H, Suckanut Slut, Boyish Sex Machine, NaughtyXXXAsh – porn stars or teens on MySpace? “Why should I care so much for everyone else when no one gives a s!*# about me?” “y do guys … say that they like u but make u feel like s!*#?” “I [...]

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