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    Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

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    Wednesday Weekly Webcast

    Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

    Just Words Given the name of this blog, the Obama/Patrick “Just Words” controversy piqued my interest this week. In case you missed it, Senator/Presidential hopeful Barak Obama and Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick are friends and share a political consultant. In response to Hilary Clinton’s critique that Obama is all style and no substance — “Just [...]

    World Wide Web

    Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

    Random fact that might interest only me… Today this blog was found by people in: Islamabad (Pakistan) Digby, Nova Scotia (Canada) London (UK) Male, (Maldives) (search: “My First Foursome”) Parow (South Africa) Bari (Italy) Davao (Philippines) Salford (UK) Kampala (Uganda) Wanganui (New Zealand) The irony is, I’ve never actually been in any of those places, [...]

    Flashback: Some Guy Named Rudy

    Monday, October 22nd, 2007

    When I haven’t been traveling the past few weeks, Diana and I have been expanding our home office (which basically means rearranging and discarding furniture to divide the master bedroom in two distinct spaces; along with buying and building a desk, filing cabinets, and a bookcase/room divider) I’ve been weeding through boxes and boxes of [...]


    Monday, October 1st, 2007

    My blog has been cranky for most of the past month, loading s ….. l ….. o ….. w ….. l …… y — painfully so — and sometimes not at all thanks to “server upgrades” at Fatcow. “They” tell me they’re on it and that engineers are working round the clock to fix the [...]

    About the links in my sidebar

    Saturday, August 18th, 2007

    The New York City youth center thirteen teens co-founded in 1996 “by youth for youth” as the first initiative of Community Solutions. A leadership development summer internship with Chain Reaction, the second initiative of Community Solutions. One-ounce of Viva juice = the health power of 10 bottles of red wine. Sale proceeds support Chain Reaction. [...]

    Help with WordPress plug-ins

    Tuesday, August 14th, 2007

    To all my Wordpress using blogger friends: I’m having trouble activating a number of Wordpress plug-ins: Snap Preview AnywhereTM MySpace Crossposter Xanga Cross Post WordPress Database Backup wp-cache 2.1.1 Any tips on how to get these plug-ins working (beyond pressing “Activate” which doesn’t seem to actually do anything)? 11 8 credit loan problem payday8 payday [...]

    This is a test

    Monday, July 30th, 2007

    … of the Wordpress to Myspace Auto Crossposting plug-in. Let’s see if it posts on Myspace. UPDATE The plug-in does not appear to be working. Any tips on how to activate it beyond the instructions that I thought I followed correctly?

    Website Slowdown

    Thursday, July 26th, 2007

    Apparently the home page on this website is loading very s…l…o…w…l…y these days. I suspect that’s a result of all the photos in the JLYNY Photo Diary. DJ, Tony, Rudy, Ben and all you tech savvy web pioneers: any tips for increasing the speed without removing the pics? Is the problem not enough bandwidth, or [...]

    Slow blogging cycle

    Thursday, June 21st, 2007

    The last month has been a whirlwind for me, pretty much since UYWI, for both personal and professional reasons. On the personal side, we had my mother’s milestone birthday/Memorial Day Weekend getaway, then my brother’s wedding with all the related activities (bachelor party, rehearsal dinner, hosting family from out of town, etc), plus the end [...]

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