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    If Rudy’s among The Ten, where are we?

    Thursday, March 10th, 2005

    Congrats, Rudy, on having your blog named by Worship Leader Magazine one of “Ten Emerging Blogs” (whatever that means exactly). Since you’re the brother most singularly responsible for me having a blog, where does that place mine, and Liz’s, and all the others that have been inspired by Urban Onramps? It’s great to be able [...]

    ABC – Always Been Credible?

    Thursday, March 10th, 2005

    Nightline did this great show on Tuesday re. the rising influence of bloggers. It’s just a bit bizarre to hear that my little corner of the blogosphere is somehow part of a larger whole that’s reshaping the worlds of journalism, activism, policy, socializing, and so much more. But what was with the sanctimonious sign-off on [...]

    The Coalition launched a blog today

    Monday, March 7th, 2005

    Check it out here: www.thecoalitionnyc.blogspot.com

    The calm before the storm?

    Friday, February 25th, 2005

    It’s 1:30 Friday afternoon, and I’m sitting here realizing that I just finished everything that I absolutely had to complete today with 5 hours of discretionary time to spend before Voice of Silence tonight. Not that I don’t have a hundred other things to do, but none of them have to be done right now. [...]

    My apologies

    Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005

    It’s been over a week without any posts. Sorry ’bout that. This weekend was loaded with family stuff, and last week was intensely busy at work. Some of the highlights: Judah and I played the part of single adults by joining 35 friends from the S.A.L.T. (Single Adults Learning Together) of the Earth ministry of [...]

    The ill effects of misplaced blogging

    Tuesday, February 8th, 2005

    I heard terrible (maybe “terrible” is a bit overstated) news this afternoon. Two of my girls (mine insofar as they’re little sisters who are part of the Xcel family) are, or have recently been, punished because of things they wrote on their Xanga blog accounts. Girls, come on. You’re too bright, too insightful, (dare I [...]

    Nominate Rudy and …

    Monday, January 31st, 2005

    your favorite evangelical bloggers for the 1st Annual Evangelical Blog Awards.payday 20 loan 1000money free payday 11 loan 16payday online 123 loansloan home mortgage 125 equityin loans mortgage uk 12520 loan calculator mortgage 20 80wisconsin 2nd loan mortgagehome loan 375 equityloan loan 5 poor payday creditamortization year 50 loanamatuer home video sexamateur phonesexteens a cupporn [...]

    Rudy’s now a supremo blogger

    Friday, January 7th, 2005

    Rudy Carrasco, as dedicated a blogger as any at Urban Onramps and the pressure point for me to join the blogosphere, was asked by Christianity Today to assemble a tsunami relief blog this week. Congratulations, Rudy!

    Wednesday, December 8th, 2004

    Hooked me into his blogosphere, that is. I’m now officially a blogger. Only time will tell exactly what that means, but I look forward to the discoveries that no doubt await us. (Rudy’s blog: www.urbanonramps.blogspot.com)tit fucking movies free bigon movies free gagging cumglory free hole moviesmovie free downloads sexfree ass movies whippedmovies zoo freefist movies [...]

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