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  • billy graham

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    More BG media

    Saturday, June 25th, 2005

    Frank Franklin Ii / AP From CBS News: Graham’s “Last Crusade” Billy Graham’s News For New York Billy Graham, Through The Years From the Today show: Interview with Katie Couric From NBC Nightly News: Thousands see Rev. Graham in N.Y. My voice is in the background in the opening segment. At 86, Graham still fiery [...]

    Billy Graham on Hannity and Colmes

    Saturday, June 25th, 2005


    Red and yellow black and white

    Saturday, June 25th, 2005

    “Kevin Berwise bemoans the fact that 11 a.m. Sunday is usually the most segregated time of the week in America. But something very different from that dark underside of Americans at prayer is on view at the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, he said.” From New York Newsday (06/25/05).

    This is funny

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    From New York Newsday (o6/25/05): As Jeremy Del Rio tries to fire up kids to come Saturday night to a special “Youth Night” for the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, he’s accustomed to blank stares. “For most of the kids I serve, Billy Graham is ‘Superstar Billy Graham,’ the wrestling icon,” said the East [...]

    The family business

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    As Billy Graham steps down, will his kids shape the future of American evangelicalism?From “All in the Family,” U.S. News (12/23/02)

    How people observe us

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    Andy Newman’s been all over the Billy Graham Crusade. He’s a reporter with the New York Times and I’ve met him half a dozen times. We first met one day several weeks ago when he grilled me for five minutes trying to get a reaction to the 10-story high billboard of an underwear model that [...]

    Proud Poppa

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    Saturday’s Crusade program featured two videos profiling six New York City teens who love Jesus. Four of the six are dear friends of mine. Three are from Generation Xcel: Loreal Torres, Amanda DeJesus, and Eric Velez. Lori I’ve known for twelve or so years, Amanda for eight or nine, and Eric for four. All were [...]

    From Time magazine

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    “Billy Graham, 86, is in New York this weekend for another crusade. Read what TIME has written about Graham and other American Evangelicals.” For example: “If Billy [Graham] was the ultimate preacher, then Franklin made a run at being the ultimate Preacher’s kid: fighting, taunting the police of Montreat into high-speed car chases and cultivating [...]

    It’s still amazing

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    … how such a simple message, delivered in such a plain spoken way, can draw so many so often. Friday’s first Crusade evening saw thousands respond as Billy Graham gave the same invitation he’s been giving for 60 years, following a basic 20 minute sermon on what it means to be born again. For all [...]

    CNN news report … live from the Crusade

    Friday, June 24th, 2005

    Here. See also, CNN’s “People in the News”: Watch: From farm boy to spiritual beacon Watch: Graham’s family life Watch: Graham’s star rises And Top 25: Fascinating people

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