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  • billy graham

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    This is my offering

    Tuesday, June 28th, 2005

    Below is the scripted version of Saturday night’s offering appeal. I didn’t deliver it exactly as written, but the gist is here. ____________________________________ For 60 years Billy Graham has spoken live to more than 200 million people. Not as a showman or a salesman. But as a spokesman for Truth that transforms lives and empowers [...]

    An Unmatched Honor

    Monday, June 27th, 2005

    This afternoon at Flushing Meadows Corona Park, 100,000 gathered for what might be the final chapter in Billy Graham’s storied career as a Crusade evangelist. And there we were, 25 minutes before he preached what is quite possibly his final sermon, kneeling in his private compound to pray with and for him: my father Pastor [...]

    The scoop

    Monday, June 27th, 2005

    From BGEA, here. “By the end of his historic Greater New York Crusade, Billy Graham had preached to more than 242,000 people, and over 9,400 people of all ages and widely varying nationalities had committed their lives to Jesus Christ.”

    He’s a stand-up guy

    Monday, June 27th, 2005

    (Photo courtesy of the NY Times) My friend Art Bailey, the crusade director. It’s not easy shouldering the load of a legend’s last anything, but Art carried the weight of Billy Graham’s final American crusade with dignity and class. Through adversity from every side, Art’s faith never wavered, although it was tested beyond measure. Thanks, [...]

    How evangelistic are we, really?

    Sunday, June 26th, 2005

    Overwhelmingly, the media coverage of the crusade has been positive. But an op-ed from Sunday’s NY Times, although similarly respectful, raised some hard issues. “Indeed, most of those who come to hear Mr. Graham preach are already born-again Christians. Some may be ‘backslid’ in their faith or fighting drugs, but it is seldom the hardened [...]

    De ja vu all over again

    Sunday, June 26th, 2005

    Friday night it suddenly hit me. Not that it wasn’t known previously, but the spacial significance meant more about 30 minutes into the program. Three years ago this very weekend, 50,000-75,000 young people prayed and fasted for spiritual awakening to return to our city. We met for 12 hours in the very same meadow in [...]

    My dad on CNN

    Sunday, June 26th, 2005

    He’s in the background walking behind Heber Revilla, along with my brother Jamie, sister-in-law Taina and nephew Seth.

    Never Say Never

    Sunday, June 26th, 2005

    “We hope to come back again someday,” he said. “I was asked in an interview if this was our last crusade. I said, ‘It probably is – in New York.’ But I also said, ‘I never say never.’From “Graham Ends Crusade in City Urging Repentance and Hope,” NY Times (06/27/05)

    Everyone wants to know

    Saturday, June 25th, 2005

    … how an 86-year old southern preacher is relevant to urban kids. Leaving aside the historical significance of a man who’se spoken live to more people (210 million) than anyone else in history; the transforming power of His message that life has purpose and can be lived to its fullest; and even the spectacle of [...]

    Simply surreal … It’s gotta be a God thing

    Saturday, June 25th, 2005

    [More pics here.]Saturday morning, Judah and his best friend Sammy invited Jesus into their hearts during Bible Man’s altar call. Without prompting from mom or dad, Judah’s arm shot up when the invitation was given, and he quickly rose to his feet. Along with Sammy, they raced to the front without so much as glancing [...]

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