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    Guilty pleasure

    Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

    I voted for the asterisk.

    Monday Miscellany

    Monday, August 6th, 2007

    + Homicide: Life on the Streets of Baltimore. 190 homicides in 217 days. We have to do something. + Pressures on Newark’s new mayor and political darling Cory Booker to deliver after city’s murder rate spikes again. + Playing dirty politics with age-old Christian divisions. + The Bronx is Burning. Not the show. The Team! [...]

    Yankees Old Timers Day

    Sunday, July 8th, 2007

    Notwithstanding the current Yankee roster’s old appearance this year, Judah, Willie, Chris and I enjoyed the annual Old Timers Game and festivities yesterday in the Bronx. The current lineup blew a vintage performance by Rocket Clemens and lost 2-1 on a 13th inning error. That makes the Yanks 1-3 in games Judah and I have [...]

    Phil of the Phuture

    Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

    Phenom Phil Hughes was pitching a no-hitter last night in his second career start. Then in the 7th inning, he heard his hamstring go, “POP!” A brilliant night cut short for the 20-year-old, but a bright future awaits.

    Historic? YES!

    Friday, April 27th, 2007

    About that game last night, the one that was so historic: + First the good news: Phil Hughes left the game to a standing ovation. + Now the bad news: It was only the 5th inning and he was responsible for 4 runs. + And the really bad news: AJ Burnett dominated the Bomber bats, [...]

    Proud to be from Brooklyn

    Sunday, April 15th, 2007

    Could Jackie Robinson have integrated professional baseball — 8 years before Brown v. Board of Ed — anywhere other than in Brooklyn, New York? History records that Brooklyn Dodger President Branch Rickey defied every MLB franchise owner when he signed Robinson in 1946. But had the Dodgers played in Boston or Atlanta or any other [...]

    Bronx Cheer

    Wednesday, December 21st, 2005

    Merry Christmas to my friends in Red Sox Nation. posted by Jeremy Del Rio @ 12/21/2005 05:55:00 PM 4 comments

    It ain’t so no longer

    Monday, October 31st, 2005

    [This is dated, but since I was traveling, here are my two cents on this year’s Fall Classic.] The White Sox reversed the curse of Shoeless Joe (of “Say it ain’t so,” notoriety) and finally won a World Series, their first since the Black Sox scandal of 1917. Does anyone else find it odd that [...]

    May the best ex-Yankees win

    Friday, October 21st, 2005

    I’m torn about who to root for in this year’s World Series. Ex-Yankees abound on both-sides of the field, headlined by Andy Pettite and Roger Clemens for the Astros and Jose Contreras and Orlando Hernandez for the White Sox. Plus the teams have rooting interests independent of pinstripe alums, as Houston goes for its first [...]

    Yankee alums lead the way

    Sunday, October 16th, 2005

    Congratulations to Jose Contreras of the White Sox for pitching his team into its first World Series birth since 1959, and a chance at their first title since 1917. Similarly, Andy Pettite has an opportunity to get the Houston Astros to their first ever Fall Classic on Monday. Along with Roger Clemens and Orlando “El [...]

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