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    Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

    Readers of this blog know of my fascination with stories BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION, and storytelling, especially the stories we live out loud everyday. You also know of my interest in public education, CAMAZEPAM dangers, and my work with 20/20 Vision for Schools.

    It's time for a confession. Even before launching 20/20 in 2008, CAMAZEPAM no prescription, despite being known is some circles as the 20/20 Vision guy, My CAMAZEPAM experience, my work on education reform was mostly theoretical. My passion was real, but day to day, CAMAZEPAM long term, aside from designing and architecting 20/20, CAMAZEPAM pharmacy, my personal involvement actually living 20/20's engagement paradigm was non-existent.

    Why, BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION. I haven't run a community group or helped lead a congregation in almost four years, which means I couldn't commit an organization to adopt a school for service and advocacy, CAMAZEPAM recreational. Nor have I been involved in direct youth work since 2005, CAMAZEPAM online cod, so I couldn't directly empower student leaders to become change agents within their schools. Finally, until this year, rx free CAMAZEPAM, my son attended private schools, Buying CAMAZEPAM online over the counter, so engaging a school as a volunteer was difficult.

    Then this fall everything changed. BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION, My wife and I enrolled Judah in our local public school, P.S. 102, where can i find CAMAZEPAM online. Dropping him off that first day, Real brand CAMAZEPAM online, we were struck by the visual of instructional signs in a dozen or more language plastered on the school entrance. Combined with the traditional clothing worn by many parents, the visible diversity energized us, CAMAZEPAM description.

    A couple of weeks later at an open house, CAMAZEPAM no rx, my wife and I were among 14 or 15 parents meeting Judah's fourth grade teacher for the first time. Only one other parent was obviously born in this country, BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION. Accents and surnames suggested that the rest were born in the Middle East, Latin America, CAMAZEPAM class, Eastern Europe, Taking CAMAZEPAM, and Asia.

    The following week, I met Judah's teacher to see how his transition to a new school was going and to learn more about the curriculum, CAMAZEPAM reviews. She explained that fourth grade at P.S. CAMAZEPAM without a prescription, 102 emphasizes not just literacy, but more specifically revising and editing written work. BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION, As an occasional writer, this both thrilled and concerned me.

    Editing happens best one-on-one, generic CAMAZEPAM, but she has 25 students, Ordering CAMAZEPAM online, and twelve or so are learning English as a second language. How could she manage to edit so many kids at various skill-levels at once. She invited me to come in once a week to provide more focused help for students who might need it, CAMAZEPAM samples. Since mid-October, Purchase CAMAZEPAM for sale, some of my new favorite people are Judah's classmates. The highlight of my year has been watching their confidence rise along with their literacy, BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION.

    I met the parent coordinator on Halloween, and she asked if I might have any interest in helping start a writing club, CAMAZEPAM forum. Specifically, CAMAZEPAM results, she was concerned about budget cuts to the school newspaper, and wanted to explore non-traditional media as a platform for student writing.

    Five weeks later, CAMAZEPAM description, together with a third parent we launched an online journalism club with twelve fourth graders representing all eight fourth grade classes at the school. CAMAZEPAM coupon, They named themselves the Journalism Stars, and this week they published the first edition of their Virtual Journal.

    BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION, We are learning how to celebrate the lives people live out loud each day. Here's an excerpt about the club:

    We are twelve 4th grade students, CAMAZEPAM class, two parents, CAMAZEPAM mg, and one fearless parent coordinator learning that the most interesting stories are the stories of our lives — the ones we live everyday. Journalism is one way we can capture those stories and celebrate the life of our school with others.

    Stories are all around us, CAMAZEPAM used for. ... They can inform, persuade, or entertain us, BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION. CAMAZEPAM without prescription, They make us think or feel, and the best stories cause us to do both. .., buy no prescription CAMAZEPAM online.

    Every great story has certain elements, CAMAZEPAM maximum dosage, like characters, plot, setting, where to buy CAMAZEPAM, timing, CAMAZEPAM australia, uk, us, usa, drama, and a purpose. Journalists discover the elements of the stories we tell about people or events by answering six basic questions: Who, doses CAMAZEPAM work. BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION, What. Where. CAMAZEPAM pharmacy, When. How. and Why.

    Each month Our Virtual Journal will publish stories that relate to one of those six question, BUY CAMAZEPAM NO PRESCRIPTION. Our January 2010 issue begins by asking WHO. Who are we at Journalism Stars. And who are some of the interesting characters at PS 102.

    Show support to the Journalism Stars at PS 102. They've reminded me, once again, what really matters for authentic living. Check them out and leave a comment or two.

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    Things We Don’t Talk About

    Tuesday, January 18th, 2005

    Eric’s story is far more common than we care to admit. One in three girls and one in six boys are sexually abused in childhood, and twenty percent of women have had at least one incestuous experience before 18. Given these and other realities, what happens when God answers our prayers and His word, sharper [...]