« Previous Entries Next Entries »I went to a U2 concert (and other reflections on missional living)
Tuesday, October 18th, 2005I went to see U2 at the Staples Center on November 2, in Los Angeles. Regrettably, it’s my first U2 concert. In 1993, I had an opportunity to see U2 in Madrid with a bunch of college buddies, but that was at a time in my life when I viewed the world through fundamentalist Christian [...]
Translated into Dutch
Tuesday, June 28th, 2005I just found out that my “WWJD (What Would Jay-Z Do?)” article was translated into Dutch. Curious.
A Letter to my son on Father’s Day
Sunday, June 19th, 2005“As you learn to love others, don’t forget that your love for them can go only as deep as your love for yourself. … [Y]ou are God’s handiwork, crafted for His good pleasure. He uniquely designed you to be you alone, comfortable in your own shoes. Be ready to create your own path. Never will [...]
Tuesday, May 24th, 2005Two summers ago in California, I met a couple that helped inspire “What Would Jay-Z Do: Engaging the Culture.” They’re anonymous in the article, partly because their identity wasn’t the point and partly because I forgot their names. (I’m terrible with names. Nothing personal, please.) Since then I’ve tried to figure out who they were, [...]
Billy Graham to New York Youth: “Get Real”
Wednesday, March 23rd, 2005Answer: 5 million. Question: How many young people under 19 live in metro New York? Answer: A reality check. Question: How are they going to have a credible opportunity to attend the Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade? Yes, the Youth Committee for the Crusade and the local pastors that appointed us need a reality [...]
Wednesday, March 9th, 2005My buddies seem fixated on the topic. Liz channeled Salt-N-Pepa flava recently and Jose and Mayra are all lovey-dovey every chance they get (see for instance, 1 and 2). For whatever it’s worth, here’s another perspective on the topic I wrote last year after Nipplegate. A sixteen year old boy ogles internet porn on his [...]
Deja vu all over again
Friday, March 4th, 2005A Thursday afternoon conversation felt like deja vu. Josh Carey, a junior from the InterVarsity chapter at City College, drove me back to the office after I spoke at the school, and shared with me his desire to see the Gospel relevantly presented on campus. Simultaneously hopeful and frustrated, empassioned and cautious, Josh sounded like [...]
Why I Support the Billy Graham Crusade (and Pray You Do Too)
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005Billy Graham is coming to New York in June for his final crusade in the city, and quite possibly the last crusade of his distinguished career. So what? Why should you care, beyond perhaps the historical curiosity of the 86-year old, so-called “Protestant Pope†retiring? My friend, for one, doesn’t. He’s a respected youth pastor [...]
Things We Don’t Talk About – Part 3
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005Relevant Magazine posted my article “Things We Don’t Talk About” to their website yesterday. An interesting discussion follows.
Things We
Monday, January 31st, 2005If you didn’t see it on Saturday, catch a repeat of “Michael Jackson’s Secret Childhood” on VH1. Yes, the show feels tabloid-ish and sensational. But whatever exagerations may have been presented on the margins, the undisputed facts about Michael’s childhood are what they are: being forced to perform in strip clubs as a boy; witnessing [...]
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