« Previous Entries Next Entries »Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It
Saturday, May 26th, 2007Part 4 of 5 [Part 3] [Part 2] [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] Judah’s not the first son who embodied justice for his father. There’s this teenage boy I know. He appears ordinary enough, with nothing much to distinguish himself except that he’s studious and [...]
Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It
Tuesday, May 22nd, 2007Part 2 of 5 [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] “Why didn’t we help that man?†As Judah’s confused yet compassionate eyes gazed at mine, his words cut deep. We had just passed a panhandler in Chinatown on the way to introduce mom to soupy dumplings. [...]
Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It
Tuesday, May 15th, 2007Part 1 of 5 [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] Justice is so easy even a five-year-old can do it. It took me a long time to figure that out. Even though I’ve spent the better part of a lifetime committed to the idea of justice, determined to [...]
Scars … or Wounds?
Monday, April 9th, 2007He trusted her. That’s what little brothers do, so when his eight year old sister and her friend called him into a field, four year old Eric went. There he entered a world without boundaries. Beginning that afternoon, for the next six or seven years his sister and her friends touched him, made him touch [...]
A Resurrected Life
Monday, April 9th, 2007The good folks at International Bible Society who are updating the My City My God Bible read this article about Generation Xcel co-founder Lou-Box Velez and asked him to send his testimony for inclusion in the Bible. Here’s what he wrote. ______________ Hiding in my bed under the covers with only my eyes exposed, I [...]
Emerging Voices: The MySpace Cry
Wednesday, February 21st, 2007The March 2007 issue of Charisma features “The Myspace Cry.” The MySpace Cry By Jeremy Del RÃÂo What does the fact that so many kids share intimacies online say about the church? Jesus once asked His disciples: “‘Are you listening to Me? Really listening?’” (Matt. 11:15, The Message). Thousands of teens in our society are [...]
Youth Explosion lives life on The Stoop
Friday, December 22nd, 2006- My latest article (January 2007, Tri-State Voice) Proverbs promises that wisdom cries out in the streets, waiting to be found by those who seek her. The Stoop, an original musical by Youth Explosion Ministries in Glendale Queens, depicted what she looks like: joyful, strong, engaging, and at peace with herself, her neighbors, and her [...]
The Christian Post cares
Friday, July 28th, 2006Do you?
Why should I care so much … and other Christ-like Musings on MySpace
Tuesday, July 25th, 2006Ed. note: Jeremy’s latest article, published in Tri-State Voice (Aug. 2006) “Are you listening to me? Really listening?†– Jesus (Matt. 11:15, The Message) Radioactive B! @H, Suckan*t Sl*t, Boyish Sex Machine, NaughtyXXXAsh – porn stars or teens on MySpace? “Why should I care so much for everyone else when no one gives a s!*# [...]
Caleb’s Father’s Day Promise
Thursday, June 15th, 2006“Children without fathers need men who love Jesus to practice what God the Father teaches us.” Article.
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