« Previous Entries Next Entries »Unconventional Christmas Greetings
Friday, December 21st, 2007In 2005, the NY Daily News asked me to condense this article into 100 words or less. Christmas says a loving God became flesh to live among humanity. His method was unseemly (unwed mothers were capital criminals), unsanitary (barnyard birth), controversial (astrologers perceived it from stars), lowly (shepherds, not innkeepers, understood), politically radioactive (Jesus was [...]
X-Factor this X-mas
Thursday, December 13th, 2007Scrooge has gotten younger. The new face of the famously stingy foil is no longer old or crotchety. According to the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University, Generation Xers – roughly those of us 23-39 years old – are the new misers. We are less likely to support charities than our parents and grandparents, about [...]
Why Not?
Monday, November 19th, 2007“… Since my agenda wasn’t working anyway, I ditched it at the next meeting, situated the chairs in a circle, told the group what I was feeling, and asked them to do the same. What surfaced surprised me. The youth felt bored not because they wanted to pull away, but because they wanted more. “Many [...]
Time to be vulnerable
Thursday, November 15th, 2007“Bob from the church is one of the most honest men you’ll ever meet, passionate about the Lord, compassionate for people, and real about his shortcomings. That realness made him safe to talk to, so I vented one evening. He listened. Empathized. Did all the things a friend does in a crisis. But then he [...]
What about the boredom?
Monday, November 5th, 2007“…As the 21-year-old leader of the pack, I felt overwhelmed and unqualified to navigate the choppy waters. We tried everything to keep them engaged, from field trips and outings to chill time and sports. During a citywide scavenger hunt, I even introduced one girl to her deepest crush, Leonardo DiCaprio, at Toys-R-Us. Our meetings were [...]
Embrace the Mess: Why Youth Must Lead Now
Friday, November 2nd, 2007- The following is from my November 2007 article in Tri-State Voice. Read the full article here. _______________________ It felt like a mutiny. As an official youth group, we were still young – not yet two years old – and our teens were even younger spiritually. Most were new to the congregation and raw street [...]
Off to CCDA in the morning
Tuesday, October 9th, 2007I’ll blog as much of the conference as possible, but in the meantime check out the latest copy of CCDA’s eRestorer newsletter online, which features “Our Father, Who Art in Cyberspace… Will you relocate to love the MySpace Generation?” by yours truly. At CCDA I’ll be presenting two workshops: “WebSpace: Relocation when the Neighborhood Moves [...]
Jesus Justice, Phase 2
Wednesday, September 12th, 2007The Jesus Justice article from last spring is making a second wave of appearances in various forms this fall. The Youth Ministry Exchange just posted the complete, 3,000-word version here. Tri-State Voice published a shorter version (2,700 words) in its September print issue; a still shorter version appears as a devotional in the recently released [...]
Jesus Justice – Full Article
Saturday, June 2nd, 2007Download the PDF file of the original “Jesus Justice” article, as it appeared in the Journal of Student Ministries (May/June 2007).dollar personal loan bank 5000 frommany airplane loans how monthsloan 1500 loan personalloan personal 1500loan term 401kcard credit accept loan new internetgrants and washington loans accessaccounting for loans penalty on prepayment Map
Jesus Justice: So Easy a Five-Year-Old Can Do It
Monday, May 28th, 2007Part 5 of 5 [Part 4] [Part 3] [Part 2] [Part 1] [This is reprinted from the May-June issue of the Journal of Student Ministries.] Jesus loves justice so much that he built it into his response to the most fundamental of evangelical questions: “What must I do to inherit eternal life?†The question sounds [...]
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