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  • 9-11

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    Six Years Ago

    Tuesday, September 11th, 2007

    Ground Zero The magnitude of the devastation in Lower Manhattan cannot be described. The obvious reference points for the news media have been the collapsed buildings, and indeed they should be, but debris from the combined 220 story towers literally traveled for blocks, crashing into other buildings, causing fires, smashing windows and facades, and crushing [...]

    Pathetic Tragedy

    Monday, August 20th, 2007

    A weekend fire claimed the lives of two more firefighters at Ground Zero. That firefighters ever pay the supreme sacrifice for their bravery is tragic in itself. But this particular tragedy is pathetic in that it never should have happened. The former Deutsche Bank building stands across the street from the site of the former [...]

    Friday’s Foto Finish

    Friday, April 20th, 2007

    In tribute to the Virginia Tech tragedy, here is a photo of a relief worker at Ground Zero that brought me great comfort post-9/11. More Ground Zero photos here.

    A Culture of Compassion

    Tuesday, April 17th, 2007

    + Thirty-two innocent victims. + Dozens wounded. + One crazed gunman. + Nearly eight years to the day after Columbine, another student at a different school commits the most heinous mass murder in US history. _____________________ On September 11, 2001, my father found himself at the scene of the worst terrorist attack in our nation’s [...]

    Everyone’s a critic

    Friday, March 30th, 2007

    Because handling crisis should be seamless? Why does politics always brings out the worst in people? Story “Highlights”: • “America’s mayor” shouldn’t run on his 9/11 record, says victim’s mom • Giuliani criticized for locating city emergency center at World Trade Center • Also allegedly failed to provide 9/11 responders with adequate radios • Critics [...]

    NYC Spiritual Update

    Wednesday, September 13th, 2006

    From Christian World News (CBN) (9/11/06) “And the people that live in our neighborhoods will taste and see that the Lord is God,” Del Rio said. “But the tasting begins when the chefs are providing some food worth tasting. And that’s happening.”

    An eerie drive to work

    Monday, September 11th, 2006

    Warning: The following reflections ramble a bit and may seem confused. So be it. The emerald blue skies brought me back. I’d been resisting the emotions of the 5-year anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center, instead choosing to focus on the excitement of my son’s first first day of first grade. But [...]

    Remembering Mychal Judge

    Monday, September 11th, 2006

    Father Mychal Judge, the FDNY chaplain — he was one of 9/11′s first casualties on the ground, a literal reminder that God is with us in our suffering. Photo HT: J. Liotti

    Rebuilding Ground Zero

    Monday, September 11th, 2006

    New York Times coverage, including a video of the plans for Ground Zero. New York Daily News coverage New York Post coverage sex wife amateur videosslaves amateur sexporno sites adultamateur gallery teensex content adult cartoonteen 100 chatsex clothing adult101 sex tips Map

    When what’s sad becomes untrue

    Monday, September 11th, 2006

    Pastor Tim Keller from Redeemer gave the remembrance message at St. Paul’s Chapel last night at the invitation of the White House. The Times reports: “He decided to burrow anew into the difficult question “Why?” The question is impossible to answer completely, he said in his brief sermon. But Dr. Keller pointed to a theme [...]

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