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  • Bio

    "Uncommon men for uncommon times." - Dr. A.R. Bernard (More)

    [Download PDF] Jeremy R. Del Rio, Esq. was born to lead people in service. It's in his blood. He inherited it from his parents and grandparents, whose tireless ministry efforts defined their lives and helped shape his own. His first service experience occurred at a street outreach in Manhattan's Union Square Park when he was eight years old and the then notorious park was known as a drug supermarket. There he witnessed a drug deal go bad and a man get stabbed, yet his parents brought him to a similar event the next weekend. He wouldn't have had it any other way, as he has worked in public service in one capacity or another for every year of his life since that otherwise gloomy afternoon. Jeremy defines his life mission as "empowering people to achieve their dreams and transform their culture and communities," and has translated that calling into a career that is uniquely suited as a spiritual, cultural, and civic leader in a postmodern world. As the founder and CEO of Community Solutions Consulting Services (CS2), he advises churches and non-profits on youth and community development, social justice, and cultural engagement. Current and past clients have included national and local organizations such as: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, World Vision, American Bible Society, Urban Youth Workers Institute, Student Venture, Bowery Mission, Latino Pastoral Action Center, Living Hope Community Church, Citivision Inc., Christ Tabernacle, New York City Leadership Center, and many more. He has straddled both faith-based and nonreligious contexts, preaching his first full-length sermon at the age of 13 and starting a youth ministry at an urban church at 19, which he directed for ten years. While in college, he co-founded a community-based organization, and in 1996, as a 21 year-old graduate, he facilitated a team of thirteen young people ages 14-22 who started Generation Xcel as a summer day camp and after school center. He has worked as an attorney at a premier New York City law firm; led disaster relief efforts following 9/11; and written extensively on leadership, youth culture, urban ministry, and social justice. Jeremy launched CS2 in 2006 following three years as the first full-time executive director of Generation Xcel. Previously, he had given seven years of part-time, unpaid service to Xcel. Under his leadership, Xcel transformed from a strictly volunteer operation in a public housing project to one that operates two youth centers and a theater in lower Manhattan; served over 125 "at risk" kids each year through after school and summer camp programs; and touched thousands more through extensive outreach activities. Xcel's "by youth for youth" strategy - empower young people to create hope for their peers by providing viable alternatives to the streets - has been featured on national media and has been praised by community leaders, parents, and public officials as varied as Mayor Giuliani and Rep. Nydia Velazquez. Jeremy graduated from NYU Law School in 1999, where he received various awards for public service including the Root-Tilden-Kern Scholarship and a Harvey Fellowship, before working for two years as an attorney at Dewey Ballantine LLP. He resigned following September 11, 2001, to co-found the Northeast Clergy Group, where he worked as operations director. After 9/11, he also consulted World Vision on the administration of its $6 million American Families Assistance Fund and designing the $1 million dollar Immigrants Assistance Program for underserved immigrant victims. Jeremy was named "Standard Bearer" of the Class of 1995 at NYU's College of Arts and Sciences. He is a featured speaker at universities, churches, and conferences, notably presenting "Thanks to Heroes" at the 9/11 anniversary Tribute to Grace and Hope at Madison Square Garden and participating in the program at Dr. Billy Graham's final crusade. His work has been profiled in numerous media reports, including WNBC, FOX, Bloomberg Radio, Sky News, BBC, NY-1, and many more. He has contributed to four books, most recently An Emergent Manifesto of Justice (Baker Books 2009) and Deep Justice in a Broken World (Zondervan 2008), and his articles have appeared regionally or nationally in publications such as Charisma, Willow magazine, Relevant, Neue, Urban Faith, Pastors.com, Tri-State Voice, Christian Post, Charlotte Herald, Student Leadership Journal, Network Magazine, Next-Wave, and numerous websites. Boards and Affiliations + Member, New York State Bar (since 2000) + Licensed Minister, Abounding Grace Ministries (since 2001) + Founding Board Member, Community Solutions Inc. (since 1996) + National Advisory Board, Urban Youth Workers Institute (since 2006) + National Ministry Council, National Network of Youth Ministries (since 2009) + Board Member, New York Faith and Justice (since 2008) + Founding Trustee, Youth Leader University (since 2009) + Founding Board Member Internet Community Fundraising Foundation (since 2009) + Host Committee, Greater New York Harvest Crusade (2007 - 2008) + Founding Co-Chair, Coalition of Urban Youth Workers (2003 - 2007) + Executive Committee and Youth Committee Co-Chair, Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade (2004-2005) + Founding Member, Elder, and Youth Pastor, Abounding Grace Ministries (1992 - 2004) + Board Member, Northeast Clergy Group (2001 - 2003) + Host Committee, Tribute to Grace and Hope (2002) + Host Committee, Jammin' Against the Darkness (2000) + Founding Chair, Christian Inter-Fellowship Council @ NYU (1993-1995) Related: Author Consultant Speaker Endorsements