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    "He can be my lawyer anytime!" - Mayor Rudy Giuliani (Watch)

    Youth Specialist + Organizational Strategist Justice Advocate + Author & Speaker

    In 2006, Jeremy Del Rio (bio) launched Community Solutions Consulting Services after ten years as the founding executive director of Community Solutions, Inc., to advise faith-based and community organizations on issues of youth development, cultural engagement, strategic planning, organizational development, and justice advocacy. This page highlights Jeremy's professional and consulting experience. Email him to schedule a consultaton. Related: Endorsements; Bio.



    20/20 Vision for Schools, New York, NY, 04/07 - present Lead strategist and architect of comprehensive public education reform initiative; forged partnership between The Coalition of Urban Youth Workers and The New York City Leadership Center. Latino Pastoral Action Center, New York, NY 04/07 - present Provide technical assistance, organizational development, and leadership coaching to five New York City youth agencies as part of the Transforming Youth Capacity Building Project. Christ Tabernacle, Glendale, NY 05/08 - present Provide strategic planning, organizational development, and program design for the formation of The Legacy Center as a new 501(c)(3) organization. Metropolitan New York Baptist Association, New York, NY, 05/07-10/07 Developed and implemented strategy to leverage the denominational, Paint the Town short-term missions experience into an ongoing, inter-denominational adopt-a-school initiative. Christian Herald Ministries, New York, NY 06/07-08/07 Facilitated strategic planning for Kids with a Promise regional expansion. World Vision US/Vision Youth, Seattle, WA, 5/06-05/07 Facilitated national social justice initiative with partners Fuller Seminary and Urban Youth Workers Institute, along with grassroots youth development agencies nationwide. Student Venture, New York, NY, 5/06-04/07 Authored cultural, urban, and ministry commentary for New York staff "Playbook." Living Hope Community Church, Los Angeles, CA, 11/06-05/07 Facilitated strategic planning, leadership development, and corporate formation re. church merger, building renovations, and establishment of community development corporation. Urban Youth Workers Institute, Los Angeles, CA, 03/06-present Curriculum writer and national faculty for Reload Training Tour. Greater New York Billy Graham Crusade, New York, NY, 2/05-6/05 Directed youth outreach for final crusade of Dr. Billy Graham's career resulting in 90,000 attendees at the "Concert for the Next Generation" at Flushing Meadows Park. World Vision, New York, NY, 9/01-3/02 Provided community relations for the $6 million American Families Assistance Fund following 9/11. Designed the $1 million Immigrants Assistance Program for under-served immigrant victims of the attacks. American Bible Society, New York, NY, various dates Advised the Ministry Partnerships and Promotions Division regarding coalition building, internet initiatives, and youth product and program strategies. New Hope Fellowship, Brooklyn, NY, various dates Provided legal services for $4 million acquisition and renovation of real property. Formed a faith-based community development corporation on behalf of a local church. Jammin' Against the Darkness, New York, NY, 3/00-8/00 Produced the Championship Living Street Festival at Manhattan's South Street Seaport including appearances by NBA celebrities, basketball tournaments, and live sound stage.


    Community Solutions, Inc., New York, NY Co-founder and Executive Director 2/96 - 6/06 Northeast Clergy Group d/b/a Ground Zero Clergy Task Force, New York, NY Co-Founder and Operations Director, 9/01 - 1/03 Dewey Ballantine LLP, New York, NY Litigation Associate, 9/99 - 9/01; Law Clerk, 5/98 -4/99