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    Virginity at 40: an object of scorn

    By Jeremy | August 26, 2005

    "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" skewers the idea that a self-respecting 40-year-old would willingly remain a virgin. Yet audiences made it tops at the box office last weekend with a $20.6 million debut and critics have praised it as "the best comedy of the summer." Consider CNN's glowing review:

    'The 40 Year-Old Virgin' is, hands down, the best comedy of the summer.

    Yes, the humor is R-rated and adolescent -- there are jokes involving erections, getting chest hair waxed off, and a hilarious scene in which Andy tries unsuccessfully to solve the mystery of putting on a condom. But the good-natured tone of the film and the wonderful comedic talents of the entire cast -- especially Carell -- make the gross-out moments charmingly relatable.

    S-E-X still sells at any age.

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