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    Disappointed was I

    By Jeremy | May 26, 2005

    I got home early tonight and discovered an unexpected opportunity to be spontaneous. Boom2 wanted to hang with Judah and Diana had some errands to run, so I could do whatever I wanted for a few hours. Nice. Since Diana HATES Star Wars and has already turned down several date requests to see the third prequel, I figured this was a once-in-a-long-while opportunity to see the movie. I couldn't resist. Unfortunately the Force failed to deliver for me. Not to sound too cliche, but at bottom my review is pretty standard. Visually stunning. Interesting to see how the Dark Side seduced Darth Vader. But the script was lousy and the acting stiff. I should have kept reading instead.

    Topics: movies, star wars | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “Disappointed was I”

    1. TheWriteJerry Says:
      May 27th, 2005 at 6:25 pm

      Yeah, the film didn’t work for me either. It was a big let down. When it comes down to it, Lucas is a great idea man but a terrible writer and director.