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Wednesday Weekly Webcast
By Jeremy | January 30, 2008
2020 Vision for Schools
The campaign to transform public education within a single generation of students is explained in 3 minutes, 33 seconds. For more info visit www.2020Schools.net.Topics: 2020 vision, adopt-a-school, coalition, education, justice, politics, public education, webcast, youth ministry | 5 Comments »
January 30th, 2008 at 8:21 pm
Good job! Jeremy, will you be my attorney?
February 1st, 2008 at 9:01 am
Woah. There is a public school 2 blocks from us. What if we were fully engaged in every possible way, beginning with intentional, persistent, faith-marker prayer, but also having first name recognition with the Principal and staff, a phone call away to meet any need that arose that was outside of what the school could do, and having local folks doing what they could re. tutoring or basketball camps or loving the teachers or whatever. I don’t know how that would transform the crap education there but I know it has the potential for tranforming souls and looking like a missional church is supposed to.
February 1st, 2008 at 4:18 pm
Matt, that’s it! Exactly.
But imagine you not only establish a first-name friendship with the principal but that your congregation is praying intentionally for that school as often as it prays intentionally. As a result of those prayers and that friendship, the principal discloses a specific way you could add value to the school. Imagine you come through and deliver — the trust and credibility that would engender. Now imagine you discover an ongoing need that your congregation can meet in an ongoing way. Plus imagine the students and family members and staff members connected to the school who attend your church have been equipped to live missionally within the context of the school. Is it possible God might answer those prayers and bless the service in a way that kids get educated better?
Now imagine that happened not just at Seven Mile Road, but at all the churches in Malden. Or put on your Revere educator’s hat and imagine all the churches in Revere engaged its public schools at that level. Is education reform possible?
February 4th, 2008 at 6:43 pm
great video
February 4th, 2008 at 10:53 pm
Fantastic!!!!!Thank God for people like you. People who wants to serve others. That’s the Gospel.