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    Calling all “New Christians”

    By Jeremy | March 22, 2005

    Matt and Bob, I finally got the book this afternoon. I probably should have been reading tonight, instead of bloggin', but I've only completed the introduction so far. If the rest of the book lives up to the intro, I'm psyched. McClaren's asking the right questions, and at least setting himself up as not having all the answers. I'm pumped to continue tomorrow, with my first real reflections on the book tomorrow night or Thursday. Feel free to comment before I do.

    Topics: books, brian mclaren | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “Calling all “New Christians””

    1. Bob Says:
      March 23rd, 2005 at 11:29 pm

      My first set of comments can be found at http://abobslife.blogspot.com/2005/02/generous-orthodoxy.html. They mostly address some concerns of a friend, but they are based on chapter one.

      I’ve had the boys tonight (my sis-in-law is a Grobanite, and he’s in town tonight, so Jill had to go with her since it was a Christmas present from their mom). I’ve eyed the book a couple of times and I’m thinking I should restart it…again. :)