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  • Michael Del Rio, The Artist

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    The Artist

    In Memory of Michael Philip Del Rio

    Eulogy by Nelson Vasquez

    December 16th 2009

    Oh boy. Mikey right now is probably laughing at me and saying, "Aha I got you now, you can't escape"... He knew I was never good at dealing with my emotions... he knew me well....  And I knew him well...my creative partner and my friend... a relationship of 14 years... he was My Brother... so witty, quirky, charming, clever, handsome, creative and super intelligent... with a wonderful sense of humor... a wonderful laugh! I am so honored and blessed to have known him as I did.... my brother.


    We first met on the set of Extreme Measures in 1996 where he was my 'Stand in'. I remember turning around and seeing this cool boricua brother, dressed EXACTLY like me.... well, you know stand ins are supposed to be in somewhat similar colors, etc. to match the actor they're standing in for... but Michael, the detailed professional who didn't miss a beat, matched me EXACTLY! And come to find out, the outfit was not quite his style, because you know Michael would 'style' with his alligator shoes, zebra jacket and his wool plaid kangol hat! But it was there on that set, that we began our incredible Journey together. And it was funny because we were really like the Odd Couple... That's what kept our relationship balanced for so long... He was happy go lucky Felix, and I was grumpy Oscar... and sometimes He was Oscar, and I was Felix... but no matter what, we always looked out for each other and supported one another. Michael Philip Del Rio was a champion, a pioneer, a success... He graduated from the American Academy of Dramatic Arts and appeared in so many plays and films. He won an Owbie Award for his performance in the Vietnam drama, BUNKERS. And he was noted for his most recent leading role as the charismatic Dr Xavier Lopez in the film SACRED GAME. DSM- PRESS headshotsAnd his biggest joy and success was with our play DA SPANISH MOB and his performance as Phillip Jimenez... Where he received a wonderful review that read: "Del Rio's alter ego is referred to as a vampire and when the character lapses into song or dance, this actor's true talents are revealed. At certain moments his demeanor calls to mind the suavity of Benicio Del Toro"... ...Yes, Michael was electric, offbeat... he loved being on stage and he shined!!! I have to say... that was truly the highlight of my career, being on that stage with Michael... and Robert and Sixto. DA SPANISH MOB really forged our bond, because we co-wrote, produced and performed in our play, side by side all the way... sweating, disagreeing and laughing! Mikey was a multi-talented brother...an actor, writer, producer, set designer.... and as he always said, his 30 years in the art of show business, earned him a Masters Degree. And he was one of the very small percentages of professional actors who happened to be Latino, who would proudly say "Yo Bro, I made my Pension & Health for when I retire as an actor bro" and he'd humbly laugh about it. Mikey was passionate about his work... He loved it so much.... He would do research for days on a character. And if you were in a scene with him, you'd better watch out, because he would magically steal the scene from you, without you even noticing. (Story) I remember Mikey booked a one liner on the Soap Opera "One Life To Live" as a paramedics assistant , which happened to be the same scene that our dear friend Robert was a Principal actor in... Mikey took over with his one line and more, improvising as he always could, and making Robert look like a glorified extra... We all, Robert included, laughed our butts off. He had such an intense joy when he was working...doing what he loved best, communicating through the art of acting and writing. DSM -Michael Nelson -Daily NewsOne of our great highlights, was when we got booked "As a Writing Team" for the developing team of HBO's THE YOUNG LORDS PROJECT.  We got our 1st check as Professional Writers. $1500. We thought we were rich! ... but not that kind of rich... rich with pride for our work!! And Mikey was just so talented. As a writer, he had the gift of really defining characters and their voices. He was the all-time amazing story teller... I had to make sure when he called in the morning, (well, afternoon to him since he'd been up since the crack of dawn, working out, emailing, auditioning)... That I had to make sure that I had a big cup of coffee because once he got into one of his stories, there was no stopping him ...but I listened, because what he had to say was either hilarious, informative or so touching... We used to talk alot about our dreams, which was another bond we shared... We really wanted to try to make a difference within our community...  to breakdown Latino stereotypes and create diverse projects for our people... We made alot of plans for 2010. Mikey will always be one of my Heroes. Someone that I respected and whose words and work ethic, I will always value. He was like no other... a true Professional, always prepared, never stepping on anyone's creative toes, and always, always ready and willing to Listen... the greatest listener I know. Mikey was also extremely passionate about his Familia.... his  2 loves: Isla de Puerto Rico and his family... he shared amazing stories and always talked with so much pride about each of his Nieces and Nephews... He would break-it down - telling it the way only Mikey could deliver it, "with immense detail" and "with passion".... I always told him, "Cono bro you make me  wanna be a Del Rio and get me one of those cool tattoos". We laughed so much!!! I can hear you now, still laughing... We shared everything and we talked about anything throughout our 14 years together... NV, MDR, LoryTogether... included Lory of course, because Lory was never far from Michael and Michael was always sure to spend most of the time on the phone talking to Lory if he was far from her.... they were the real team, and lucky for anyone who came to know them! They Were Perfect Partners in their spirit of generosity. Throughout the years, they were constantly offering up Lory's gourmet cooking and their couch for a warm cozy sleep... Lory... Mikey was happiest when you were around. His love for you spoke volumes. I have to speak further of Michael's generosity because, in my opinion, that was his most defining and endearing quality...Mikey was extremely generous. He would give of himself, his talents, his time, his know-how, his expertise, his care, his prayers, his advice, his praise... endlessly... to Anybody who needed him. And he was a teacher at heart. He taught me and soooo many of his peers, the business of show business and how to survive and fight for your rights. And if he believed in you, he would fight for you. His loyalty and devotion were unwavering. He really had a heart of Gold. And he was always so ready and willing to praise someone for their achievements. I admire you Mikey for that! And I admire and wish I could be more like you in your readiness to forgive the mistakes of others... you were always a special breed my brother. And humble in every way! One of the coolest and the most loving person that I have ever met. (He danced with Iris Chacon, come on now...that's cool!) Michael would want me to say a word to his fellow peers, especially to his Latino comrades... Don't stop dreamin' - Keep fightin' the fight -Reach for the impossible, follow your heart my brothers and sisters, keep smilin and keep humble.
    Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow; I am the diamond glints on snow; I am the sunlight on ripened grain; I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning hush I am the quick uplifting rush, of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft star that shines at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry. I am not there, I did not die. I am a radiant smile that fills the room!
    May God Bless you Lory and the entire DEL RIO familia... We love you and we are here for you! Mikey and I always ended our emails and conversations with... PALANTE SIEMPRE PALANTE BRO!!!

    Rest in peace Our Brother In Arms.

    ______________ At the conclusion of Nelson's Eulogy, we showed the following video in celebration of Uncle Mikey's artistry, compiled and edited by Nelson.

    Michael Philip Del Rio: The Artist from Jeremy Del Rio on Vimeo.