By Jeremy | October 6, 2008
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Topics: radio, speaking | 24 Comments »
October 6th, 2008 at 2:04 pm
OK – I’ll vote hopefully to entice other readers to do the same (the ones who have actually met you!).
1. Good idea? Maybe.
2. Format: all of the above, see below.
3. 15 minutes: interview, commentary
30 minutes: interview, commentary, call-in
4. “Christ-ecular” – don’t call it Christian but don’t limit your interviewees to being one or the other, same with topics
5. All of the above – because I think they all resonate with you!
Prayin’ for you all!
October 6th, 2008 at 7:19 pm
1. I think its a great idea, if it’s done wisely.
2. Format: Should depend on the topic. Not limited to just one.
3. Time: 30 min- there should be a mix of maybe an interview for 15 min and then a call-in period for the next 15. i don’t feel 15 min is enough when it comes to some of the topics you are doing.
Starting out your radio career with 15 min might be worth a try and if received well, stretch it to 30 min.
4. Def should not be limited to just one or the other. Does it have to have a label? I say NO to labeling it anything..lol. If you have to, i agree with the that last blogger: Christ-ecular.
5. I don’t really think you can separate any one topic. All are great and can be blended together (youth and politics one day and justice and leadership the other).
October 6th, 2008 at 10:06 pm
not a good idea. radio brings out the lowest denominator. reaches the masses but often just knee jerk reactions and tend to want the “dramatic” versus the depth. i have never heard a live radio show that was deeper than a coat of mildew.
October 6th, 2008 at 10:27 pm
1. great idea
2. format – all of the above
3. 15 minute interview and commentary
30 minutes interview, commentary and call-in.. agree with deanna
4. ditto deanna
5. all of the above
I think start with a 15 minute show… then if popular move to 30…
I would start podcasting interviews and commentary… use odeo and a myriad of other podcasting sites to spread the word.
October 7th, 2008 at 8:03 am
1. Yes.
2. Skip call-in. Leverage Web2.0 instead. Let ‘em leave .mp3 clips if they want.
3. 15 min, but twice as frequently
4. Christian. You have a special gifting which is helping change the Church. And if the Church changes, communities change. Besides, in a Web2.0 world, your voice will carry out into the secular world anyway.
5. Leadership. It’s a rare gift. Few understand leadership in the non-hierarchical digital culture we live in. And yeah, youth.
Btw, notice you’re getting some video play these days as well. If you have the available volunteers, have ‘em ever-ready to clip from your radio show and develop monthly (or weekly) ‘TV’. You know we’d run it at http://IndyChristian.TV
October 7th, 2008 at 8:08 am
1.I’d say go for it!
2.Commentary & call-in…interviews twice a week.
3.30 minutes.
4.Christian/Secular (Christacular)pronounced like (spectacular)trying to be original…You get the picture!
5.Definitely all of the above.
“Howard Sterns” Watch out…Here’s J.D.
I pray all goes well.
Love ya,be blessed.
Arty V.
October 7th, 2008 at 8:22 am
I would ask who is your audience?
How much time do you have, how much will it require?
How long does it take to build a listener base?
Is this something you are called too?
October 7th, 2008 at 9:02 am
What’s the purpose? I wouldn’t start a radio program for the sake of starting a radio program. If you have a clear and passionate mission and you’ve discerned that a regular radio spot would advance that mission, it’s a no brainer. If you don’t have that clarity, you’ll just be adding more clutter to the overly cluttered airwaves, not to mention adding needless clutter to your own life!
October 7th, 2008 at 9:08 am
i like the idea but can understand what peter is saying too.
format – interview and commentary – this way you don’t get call ins. at least at first.
- 15 minutes
- either
- focus – all of the above
sounds like a fun opportunity – at least to give it a try.
October 7th, 2008 at 9:33 am
Hey JD. You are a wise man for asking the question(s), and a brave man for open-sourcing the feedback on your blog. Kinda reminds me of my blog ;o)
I think you should touch base with Efrem on this one. He started a radio show, “A Time for Reconciliation” a few years ago (maybe 3), and has learned a LOT – not all of it very positive.
My opinion: only start the show if it is:
a) fully funded for 2-3 years
b) strategic to your vision and not driven by another vision
c) able to fly me in for an interview
Love ya Bro.
- CB -
October 7th, 2008 at 10:25 am
Is it a part of your mission? Your DNA? How will it effect your time and commitment to your family?Good can often be the enemy of best.
October 7th, 2008 at 11:14 am
It really depends on your target audience. If your talking about reaching youth, I don’t know if the radio is the best way to reach out to youth. I’m just not sure that youth are into radio as much as they are watching videos, on YouTube, podcasting, or downloading mp3′s. If you are trying to reach out to youth workers or adult leaders, than the radio would be a good idea. It just needs to be advertised well.
October 7th, 2008 at 11:53 am
Yes, a radio show. All of the number 2′s. 30 minutes, Christian. Topic…The Gospel of Peace.
October 7th, 2008 at 3:45 pm
Go for it Jeremy! If you are presented with an opportunity to share the Gospel over the radio, just do it.
1. Good idea – 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching(God has opened up a door for you to do this).
2. All of the above
3. 30 minutes
4. Ask the Lord to show this to you. I know God has used you in such an amazing way in reaching young people, and introducing them to Him(the word says ” He came to seek and save that which was lost”).
5. All of the above-something different will keep the audience/listeners coming back. You can also reach all age groups and cultures.
October 7th, 2008 at 4:52 pm
Just like Grandpa Simon Vikse. It was through his television show that my family and I were saved and transformed over thirty years ago. I shudder to think of where I would be without knowing Jesus all these past thirty-five years. I think the salvation message should not be excluded on the talk show when appropriate.
October 7th, 2008 at 5:04 pm
1) Great idea and very much needed in our area!
2) What format: interview, call-in, commentary, all of the above, or something else?
The format should be varied so that it keeps your audience’s expectation high and also engaged.
3) 15 minutes or 30?
either would be fine, but 30 would lend itself to more content.
4) “Christian†or secular?
I don’t think you should have to choose that. As a Christian you can have something to say that would be beneficial to either audience. Don’t limit yourself. YOu have much to offer. God can use your knowledge of leadership, community, etc, to help ministers, local leaders and business folk get to the next level. They may listen to you, whereas they may shut out the “big shots” who are from other cities or syndicated nationally and disconnected from local issues…
5) Focus: leadership, culture, society, politics, faith, youth, all of the above, something else?
Your platform can be leadership and through that vehicle you can address a myriad of topics, issues and agendas. Make this happen! It is needed…
October 7th, 2008 at 11:33 pm
Hey Jeremy,
Glad to see your testing the waters in the forum of public opinion. If anyone could engage in great radio dialogue it’s you. You know my thoughts already. I would be interested to see how many people would actually materialize their support with their wallets, hint, hint.
October 8th, 2008 at 12:49 pm
My interest in the idea for you rests on 2 items
Your identity and the Times we are in:
Identity: Clearly you would be equipped for this type of opportunity, so that is a non question for me
The Times
The endeavor must address the heartbeat and the hunger of the season “we” are in. Then the provision and format will follow. God’s timing is better than time itself. So simply is it time?
the “We” must also be defined.
and where our identity is… is where all our provision resides, where our favor is and where every answer to a prayer is yes and amen… because we are walking in our identity into our inheritance and therefore living out our destiny.
October 8th, 2008 at 5:35 pm
Please post an update when you make your decision. I am more than interested in what comes of this!
October 9th, 2008 at 12:05 am
It’s cool that you ask people’s opinions, but ultimately what is God telling you to do????
Proverbs 19:21- There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord, that shall stand.
Do not start a radio show just to do it. Do it because and only because God has called you to.
October 10th, 2008 at 8:49 pm
1. You’ve always been a man with both a mission and a message and I’ve found that the messages you herald are the ones that the world needs to hear. I say go for it.
2./3. As others have noted 15 min commentary, 30 to integrate interview/call in.
4./5. I support Deanna’s thoughts.
Important points brought up by Chris Brooks re:funding and The Baron re: time commitment. Tread wisely.
October 12th, 2008 at 2:14 pm
JDR, I think that is a great idea bro. God has gifted you with an insight and wisdom that can attract other’s to engage in the cultural, spiritual, social, economical and emotional concerns. I support you bro!
October 12th, 2008 at 8:55 pm
My suggestion: before starting a radio show, you might want to think about podcasts that discuss some community affairs that you write about on your blog (both secular and religious). You can still do interviews…etc on a podcast. And you don’t need to wait for funding, this is something you can start tomorrow from your own living room.
I would def subscribe to it (if its free
October 20th, 2008 at 10:13 am
1) Good idea? Yes. I think once you’ve considered if you have time for it and it’s strategic to your calling, it’s a great opportunity to use your voice to speak into current-day issues and speak your convictions
2) What format: interview, call-in, commentary, all of the above, or something else? I would do all of the above. I would make sure that you have others on the show. It’s hard to keep people listening if you’re the only voice people hear. I would also suggest having a strong facilitator/moderator type voice on there which maybe opens the show, asks you questions (like Tony Campolo’s “Across the Pond” radio show), and intro’s you. Additionally, you have connections and content to make a strong outing each time as current events and your projects will always make for good discussion material and people will want to tune in to hear who is on the show with you next (but don’t pull in names just for the ratings, if it’s important to you, then that’s what the show should be about). Also make sure your record it and turn it into a podcast. Lemme know if you need any help there. I am all about new media and making content make the transition from old media to new media.
3) 15 minutes or 30? I think if it’s only you, 15 minutes, but if you can have a few other talking heads in there rattling around ideas and such with you, make it 30 and see where it goes.
4) “Christian†or secular? I would say secular. The church crowd will go with you into the secular market, but the secular may not follow you into the Christian radio market. Also, this would help if you ever had Jay Bakker on and then you would have to bleep out less.
5) Focus: leadership, culture, society, politics, faith, youth, all of the above, something else? All of the above. You are a multi-headed monster and this show should be about you an the areas of your expertise.
That’s my 4 cents, but I think whatever you do, you’ll put your full effort behind and be great at.