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LPAC’s Guide to Holistic Program Development
By Jeremy | November 30, 2007

Holistic Ministry Program Life Cycle

I. Assessment
Program development begins with assessing current realities of the organization, community, and people being served. The assessment should be both qualitative and quantitative.
Quantitative + Demographics + How much? Sources: + Census + Agency studies and reports Qualitative + Spiritual + Emotional + Physical + Mental + Social + How well? Source: + Surveys + Neighborhood walks & observations + Interviews and focus groups Assessors: + Staff + Board + Youth + Parents + Church members + Participants + Police + Community and business leaders
II. Planning
Process Moves from desired future, backwards to next steps + Vision (Desired future) + Mission (How you accomplish vision) + Principles / Core Values (Non-negotiables) + Goals (2-5 years) + Objectives (6 months – two years / benchmarks along the way) + Activities (Programs / how you move towards the objectives) + Expected outcomes (How you know you accomplished the objectives and goals and mission) Planners: + Staff + Board + Participants There's lots more where this comes from...
+ Bagged Lunch and a Drop of Oil: Multiplying Re$ource$ for Urban Ministry + Asset Mapping (including 40 Developmental Assets)Topics: community development, holistic ministry, lpac, program development, ray rivera, strategic planning, youth ministry | 2 Comments »
December 1st, 2007 at 12:42 pm
Hi Jeremy. Is this available someplace? Are the workbooks available? Can you send me a copy?
It was nice to see you in St. Louis passing on the elevator. Next time, let’s have coffee. First round is on me.
December 2nd, 2007 at 4:58 pm
Glen, it was good seeing you as well, although way too quick. I’ll definitely take you up on your offer the next time. The LPAC materials will be available in 2008. Stay tuned for more details!