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By Jeremy | June 9, 2007

This should post right around the time Jonathan's bachelor party begins. Friends gathered at 7pm at
Heartland Brewery in the Empire State Building, but Jon's real surprise happens after dinner when we walk over to Madison Square Garden to experience championship boxing.
Miguel Cotto v. Zab Judah, the Prince of Puerto Rico v. the Brooklyn Brawler.
In other championship family news, my parents celebrate their 34th anniversary today. They're still standing, undefeated, after all these years.
Topics: boxing, family, jonathan del rio | 2 Comments »
June 9th, 2007 at 10:00 pm
Happy 35th to your parents! God bless them.
June 10th, 2007 at 12:02 pm
Blessings to you all. Sounds like it’s been a good few weeks for the Del Rio’s. Please send my congrats and blessings to your brother. It was great hanging with him at the Yankee game.