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From the Fellowship Hall to Full Contact Faith
By Jeremy | February 27, 2007

Session 5

Friday, March 2, 2007
9 - 10:30 a.m.
From the Fellowship Hall to Full Contact Faith: Description
Today’s youth are activists. They’re aware of social justice issues. They’re passionate and idealistic. A growing number of Christian students are less interested in simply going to church than they are in being the church. Instead of just talking about it, they want to actually live out the Gospel in a radical, others-centered way. What does this mean for student ministry? How can we tap into this mindset?________________________ I leave bright and early tomorrow morning for Chicago (assuming my JetBlue flight out of JFK gets off the ground!) for the Willow Creek Shift Student Ministries Conference and then UYWI:Reload. Track the conference as it happens at the ShiftNow blog, where my buddies Tony Sheng, Peter Ong, and Chris Brooks will be contributing. If I'm lucky, Shift will let me join the fun. UPDATE: I just received an invitation to contribute to the Shift Now blog. Thanks, Dave! porno fantasyporn fantisy worldparents porn farily oddoddparents farly pornporn games farm animalfarm porno girlsporn free farmwith porn farm animals Map
Topics: blogging, reload, schedule, speaking, training, UYWI, willowcreek | No Comments »
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