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    February 2007
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  • Archive for February 12th, 2007

    Ludacris is a Mook (but he doesn’t have to be)

    Monday, February 12th, 2007

    Watching Ludacris perform on last night’s Grammy’s, I couldn’t help but feel for him and his millions of fans. He’s a wonderful talent, and the lyrics to Runaway Love, which he performed on the broadcast, are powerful, tragic, and could move all but the hardest of hearts to compassion. See for example, verse 1: Now [...]

    From generation to generation

    Monday, February 12th, 2007

    After completing the Chronicles of Narnia last year, Judah and I began reading another of my childhood favorites, Little Pilgrim’s Progress, after the holidays. Based on the John Bunyan classic, it’s a retelling of the story by Helen Taylor in language children can understand. We finished Part 1 on Thursday, before he left for Massachusetts, [...]

    If I were still in high school, I would apply for this

    Monday, February 12th, 2007

    From Princeton University Summer Journalism Program … a 10-day all-expenses-paid summer journalism program held in August at Princeton University for students from under resourced financial backgrounds. All application materials are available at www.princeton.edu/~sjp Past classes were taught by writers from The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Miami Herald, and The New Republic; toured The [...]

    Monday Morning MP3

    Monday, February 12th, 2007

    WWJD (What Would Jay-Z Do?): Engaging Youth Culture, UYWI 2005 [Note: appx 15 min. of Q&A was cut due to audio quality]