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Mooks, Midriffs, Myspace & More 2
By Jeremy | January 23, 2007

Mooks, Midriffs, Myspace and More: Engaging a Plugged-in Generation
Corporate profiteers produce and market media for a target youth audience they call mooks and midriffs -- caricatures that exploit adolescent insecurities and hormones -- a strategy described as "grabbing below the belt and reaching for their wallets." The result: average teens now consume digital media for 72 hours each week and increasingly digest that media online in what the New York Times calls, "Websites Without Rules." This workshop will: 1) Expose the strategy behind mooks and midriffs; 2) Examine the rise of "Websites Without Rules" and ministry opportunities they create; and 3) Explore ways to engage this plugged-in generation.Downloads + Workshop Audio (Recorded at MNYBA Regional Pastors Conference, Greenwich, CT) + Workshop Video (Recorder at PaLM Engage Speakers Series, Flushing, NY) + What's The Strategy? How do we Engage a Plugged-in Generation? + Mooks, Midriffs ... Powerpoint Presentation + Mooks, Midriffs ... Prayer Concert Audio + Mooks, Midriffs ... Intergenerational Conversation Audio - Part 1 / Part 2 Source Material + Why Should I Care So Much? And Other Christ Like Musings on Myspace + Merchants of Cool (PBS Frontline Documentary) + Websites Without Rules (New York Times, January 2, 2007) + Too Wired for their Own Good? (Time magazine cover, March 27, 2006) + Myspace Generation (BusinessWeek cover, December 2005) + Translating Truth from Babel to Cyberspace, TechMission Keynote Audio 2005 + Have You Seen Your Kids Myspace?
Topics: culture, media, midriffs, mooks, myspace, research, resources, speaking, technology, training, youth, youth culture, youth ministry | 4 Comments »
January 26th, 2007 at 3:27 am
great stuff!
October 14th, 2007 at 8:26 am
Thank you, Jeremy. This is great material and I am going to pass it along to our youth workers and young adults (or anyone else I find in cyberspace). It was good to meet you at the CCDA conference, keep up the great work!
September 30th, 2008 at 10:52 pm
[...] Download the PowerPoint, multimedia files, and other source materials here. [...]
November 4th, 2008 at 12:42 am
[...] Mooks, Midriffs, Myspace & More 2 | Away with Words: In Pursuit of Authenticity [...]