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The Necessity of Wounds
By Jeremy | December 14, 2006
If the truth were known, the saints of God in every age were only effective after they had been wounded. They experienced the humbling wounds that brought contrition, compassion and a yearning for the knowledge of God.- A.W. Tozer
Topics: faith, quotes, resiliency | 2 Comments »
December 14th, 2006 at 6:00 pm
Ain’t that the truth. Sometimes we only wish that Jesus would take our wounds for us (which he does on the cross.) But it is equally true how Jesus (from the same cross) leads us to take our wounds. Thanks for the quote.
December 15th, 2006 at 9:26 am
Biblical Suffering or AKA
The First Church of Suffering
Its not the biggest church in town. Though they seldom meet together, there is an understanding among them that far exceeds words.
Suffering so the Kingdom can prosper. I guess that is way different than the Kingdom prospering us, but not nearly as popular.
What would destroy most, is what gives us strength.
I am glad I am not alone in this.