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By Jeremy | October 2, 2006
So our
CCDA Philly blog didn't go off as planned. The Marriott wanted to
charge the conference $7,000 (!!!) to establish a WiFi connection, so internet access was a problem. Amazingly,
Techmission got around the hotel's exorbitant costs to establish a cyber cafe by working off Andrew Sears' cell phone. (His cell phone!) But WiFi kept wrecking the connection, so only the cafe's wired laptops could log on. The lines were generally too long to allow for bloggers like me. I was also recruited to indulge a long-suppressed hobby as the conference photographer, keeping me preoccupied from blogging. Noel Castellanos hooked me up with Erin's
Cannon 20D digital SLR camera (my dream; thanks, Erin!). CCDA pics and reflections coming soon.
Thanks and much love to Eric and Mark, Pastor Dan and Luke for letting me crash in their rooms.
NOTE: Contribute to Generation Xcel's
camera fund here.
Topics: ccda | 3 Comments »
October 3rd, 2006 at 10:36 am
J. I love the Camera fund idea. What body are you aimin’ for? Canon or Nikon? Nikon or Canon? The real questions we all need to be asking. I am seeing seing some wonderful PR angent drooling over the opportunity to provide cameras to “little brown” children, so that they can express themselves, and reduce crime, dropout rates, plus eliminate teen pregnancy. I see young folks in your community using their cameras to capture life as they see it.
I am looking foward to the CCDA art you have produced.
October 3rd, 2006 at 11:16 am
Eric, I’m going to stick with Canon because all my SLR lenses are Canon lenses, but I pray your PR agent comes through — whether Nikon or Canon.
We’ll make it work!
How was your wife’s marathon?
October 4th, 2006 at 12:17 am
I kinda thought you were a Canon man. My wife rocked. She did a wonderful job, and finished strong. She is my hero. Thanks for asking. PS- your slide show is wonderful.