Archive for August 13th, 2006
CNN Reports: Miracle in Portland
Sunday, August 13th, 2006The “Most Popular” video at CNN tonight — “Girl’s Cancer Disappears” — testifies to the power of prayer. The oncologist “consulted with several colleagues, but came up with no explanations.” The report continued: “While doctors cannot explain Victoria’s recovery, her mother says she knows who to thank. ‘We know that God does miracles and we [...]
Buffet’s Billions
Sunday, August 13th, 2006Remember the cheesy Richard Pryor flick from the 80s, Brewster’s Millions, where Pryor’s character had to spend $1 million in 30 days in order to receive a much larger inheritance? Beginning in 2009, Bill Gates has the responsibility of giving away billions of dollars of Warren Buffet’s money every year if his foundation is going [...]