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    September 2005
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  • Archive for September, 2005

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    An Opportunity to Be the Church

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    “God is using the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina to give the Church an opportunity to be the Church. He is bringing displaced people into our communities – people who are homeless and need help and love and care and concern. Their lives have been shaken and they are asking the most important questions of life: [...]

    Reflections on “Shelter from the Storm”

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    The Concert for the Gulf Coast was simulcast on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, UPN and the WB, along with several cable networks. Just a few reflections (I only saw about half of it): 1. It’s amazing how Hollywood finds God in times of crisis. 2. Alicia Keys found her calling: Gospel music. Her medley with [...]

    3 days of death, despair and survival

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    Amanda swayed her mother from suicide by talking about her future.

    Someone sounds defensive

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    “‘I’m anxious to get back to D.C. to correct all the inaccuracies and lies,’ [FEMA Director Mike] Brown told the AP.” Full story.This after getting pulled off the job of coordinating FEMA’s Katrina response. At least his priorities are in the right place.

    On being poor

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    Go here for perspective.

    What the waters have revealed

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    “Katrina has revealed what was already there in America; an invisible and mostly silent poverty that we have chosen not to talk about, let alone to take responsibility for in the richest nation on earth. This week, we all saw it; and so did the rest of the world. And it made Americans feel both [...]

    “So what is it about life?”

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    Judah asked me that question last week. In Florida on Tuesday night, around 9:30 pm, after a duck grabbed a toy from his hand (more on that later), and we continued with our walk. “What do you mean, what is it about life?” I replied. “You know, why did God create life?” he said. After [...]

    Community Solutions Responds to Katrina

    Friday, September 9th, 2005

    September 11 was a defining moment for me personally in life and ministry. The lessons we learned continue to inform who we are and how we serve others. (Download mp3 of “Place of Hope” message at Urban Youth Workers Institute for recent reflections on 9/11; 4.2 mb). So when Doug Stringer called Community Solutions (the [...]

    A Note from Doug Stringer re. Katrina Relief

    Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

    … to Matt Stevens, in preparation for his trip to Houston tomorrow. Please continue to pray, and give. Matt, Currently, I am scheduled to be in Laredo Friday afternoon through Sunday evening. This may change, depending upon how things are flowing. We are working through a sorely needed organizational and flow chart, especially who will [...]

    We’re off to Houston

    Wednesday, September 7th, 2005

    Not me, but my ministry partner, Matt Stevens, along with Joe Miller and five others. Doug Stringer of Somebody Cares requested that Matt bring a team to Houston to assist with the relief efforts. The following note from Matt describes the purpose of the trip: Friends, Many of you have been looking for ways to [...]

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