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    September 2005
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  • Archive for September, 2005

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    Determination Education

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    “The 85-year-old Kimani, perhaps the world’s oldest elementary-school pupil, toured New York Tuesday to promote a global campaign urging assistance for an estimated 100 million children denied an education because of poverty.” Link.

    Today in Uganda

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    “For more than 19 years, the rebel group ‘the Lord’s Resistance Army’ (LRA) has been battling the Government of Uganda (GOU) for political power…. [The LRA] creates [its] army primarily through the violent abduction and forced enlistment of children. Children are used as soldiers, laborers and, in the case of girls, sexual slaves. More than [...]

    Innocent Voices – Coming October 14th to select cities nationwide

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    Today, over 300,000 children fought as armed soldiers in forty countries, a global epidemic that shames all of us. Innocent Voices, directed by Luis Mandoki, tells their story through the eyes of Chava, a 12 year old boy compelled into military duty during El Salvador’s protracted civil war in the 1980s. I had the privilege [...]

    Reminds me of Lily of the Valley orphanage

    Wednesday, September 14th, 2005

    The movie last night reminded me of my brother Jonathan’s trips to volunteer at Lilly of the Valley orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico. Up to 100 kids live in the orphanage at any one time. They were not child soldiers, but many of their stories are equally gut wrenching and unjust. “The scars on the minds. [...]

    Somebody Cares for evacuees

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    Preview a rough video documenting the Katrina Relief efforts of CSI’s partner Somebody Cares America here. (Downloading takes several minutes; please be patient.)

    $20,000 raised for Katrina Relief

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    Thank you, New Hope Fellowship (Brooklyn, NY), for generously receiving a $20,000 offering to support Community Solutions’ work with Somebody Cares America on Sunday! The funds will be used to ship ten tractor trailer “care packages” from Minnesota to Somebody Cares staging areas in the following areas: Houston, TX Austin, TX San Antonio, TX Beaumont, [...]


    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    Will Sampson had a great post about the need for the officials who failed to respond appropriately to Katrina to take responsibility. President Bush was the first to do so today, when he said: “Katrina exposed serious problems in our response capability at all levels of government and to the extent the federal government didn’t [...]

    Has Gov. Blanco contributed anything positive to the recovery efforts?

    Tuesday, September 13th, 2005

    New Orleans’ Mayor Nagin has said she waited a critical 24 hours after the levees broke to request federal aid. Now she’s angry that the feds haven’t signed a contract to remove Katrina victims’ bodies from the water. Yet she’s authorized to execute the same contract on the state’s behalf. So after griping about the [...]

    For those who care

    Monday, September 12th, 2005

    Here’s a wish list for my birthday that’s coming up in October. Any suggestions for books I should add?

    Recently read

    Monday, September 12th, 2005

    “The Revolution will not be Televised,” by Joe Trippi, campaign manager for the Dean for America campaign. While its politics are suspect, the book delivers on its promise to “show how power, in the hands of all of us, changes everything.” “This is the story of how Trippi’s revolutionary use of the Internet and an [...]

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