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    “30 Emerging Voices”

    By Jeremy | July 22, 2005

    The August 2005 issue of Charisma magazine asks:

    "Who will lead the church in the next decade? These young Christian leaders, all 40 or younger, represent THE FUTURE OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH....
    They represent a new breed. Burned out on denominationalism, they avoid labels and aren't comfortable with old church methods. Turned off by religious hype, they crave authenticity....
    Today's emerging leaders aren't afraid to push new buttons, sail into unchartered waters or blur the line between secular and sacred.... They are the first generation to use blogging as an evangelism tool in cyberspace. Today's emerging leaders fully intend to reinvent church....
    [W]e believe the church has never seen a more gifted group of men and women step forward to carry the torch into the future." (Italics mine.)

    Exciting lead-in. Who are these people? I want to get to know them.
    My friend received his copy of the issue on Tuesday and called to tell me I was included as number 12 on the list. Huh? I didn't even know such a list was being compiled or that I had been nominated. Thinking his message must be a practical joke, I called another friend who subscribes. His issue hadn't arrived. On Wednesday a third friend corroborated the story, and yesterday I actually saw the magazine myself.
    I'm still not sure what it means to be an "emerging leader" (see previous posts on the subject here and here), but it is an honor to be placed in the company of those wo were included on Charisma's list. I have no idea how or why they chose me, but frankly, the encouragement came at just the right time. The summer is always excrutiating, but this year my family has also endured some unexpected personal challenges which makes the timing all the more special.
    Thank you, Charisma, for validating those of us who are desperate to perceive the "new thing" God is doing in this hour.
    "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:18-19)

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