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By Jeremy | June 2, 2005
A friend of my wife's used that phrase to describe herself recently. Yet she's a self-made women with a successful business and ambitious vision for her future, a no-nonsense go-getter who creates opportunities for success. And she appears fearless.
But beneath it all, she still perceives herself simply as a, "Daddy, love me," girl. Now approaching her 40th birthday, she's still motivated by the most basic yearning to be loved by daddy.
Hmm. ... And 19 million children live without dads in their homes. 25 million live without either or both parents.
pressure ...
How to respond?
Xcel produced a music video to Pink's song Family Portrait which deals with many of these same themes.
Download it here.

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Topics: children, community, compassion, family, fathering, generation xcel, video | 3 Comments »
June 3rd, 2005 at 1:45 am
As a divorced dad, I know the pressures of being a father while being separated many days a month from my son (who is ten). I sometimes feel worthless, often feel that I have failed him, struggle with being disconnected from his every day life… And yet, we have a strong relationship because God has honored my love for my son and has knitted us together through our efforts to be deeply immersed in each other’s lives.
In point of fact, my salvation and my dedication to my son are tied together. I really need to make a point of writiing my salvation story over on my blog…
June 3rd, 2005 at 9:12 am
Thanks for giving us a preview to your testimony. I look forward to reading the rest of the story …
January 10th, 2006 at 1:34 pm
Thanks so very much for taking your time to create this very useful and informative blog.