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    R.I.P. Holy Father

    By Jeremy | April 5, 2005

    Three things have struck me about the passing of Pope John Paul II on Saturday. First, the extraordinary love Catholics and nonCatholics worldwide feel for this man. The concensus of those he touched on a personal level seems to be that he genuinely cared about them and wasn't afraid to meet them on their terms. This authenticity came through and attracted millions to him as a "Father," not just a figurehead. Second, the centrality of Christ to his life. Say what you want about theological disagreements between Protestants and Catholics, one thing on which we can agree with this Pope: Jesus Christ alone provides meaning and redeems man through His death, burial, and resurrection. Third, his legacy will endure because young people mattered to him. By all accounts, the Pope connected with youth in unprecedented ways, igniting a return to faith in generations to come because he made them a priority. He followed his own advice and was not afraid to break conventions to reach them. Rest in peace, John Paul the Great.

    Topics: death, faith, heroes, leadership, legacy, life | 1 Comment »

    One Response to “R.I.P. Holy Father”

    1. José & Mayra Humphreys Says:
      April 6th, 2005 at 10:02 am

      He definetely laid down his life to bring people closer to God.
