Archive for February 4th, 2005
Not bad for an 86 year-old man
Friday, February 4th, 2005Presumably in light of Time magazine’s recent list, Christianity Today is conducting an online poll of “the most influential evangelical.” No surprises here: Chuck Colson: 3% James Dobson: 17% Billy Graham: 53% Ted Haggard: 0% Bill Hybels: 1% Bishop T.D. Jakes: 6% Tim LaHaye: 2% Richard Land: 0% J.I. Packer: 3% Rick Warren: 10% John [...]
Mr. President, is this rhetorical or real?
Friday, February 4th, 2005In Wednesday’s State of the Union address, much was made of the President’s desire to “focus on our most-at-risk youth.” The White House summarized the proposals as follows: The President announced a new outreach effort, to be led by Mrs. Laura Bush, to focus on young Americans, especially young men, to help ensure a successful [...]